Induction: Absolutely bricking it...


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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3 more sleeps until I'm induced, and I'm not dealing with the idea very well at all!

I'm usually so laid back, but this week I'm a big bundle of nerves and end up crying whenever I think about thursday :(
I know it has to be done and I know it's the safest way for me and poppy, but that doesn't stop me being bloody petrified!

I know some of you are probably thinking 'get a grip!' - women all over the world give birth all the time, but I've got a million horrible thoughts in my head like what if something goes wrong, what if something is wrong with the baby etc etc etc. Its probably normal to think this, but because I have a set date to give birth rather than waiting for labour to surpirse me, it makes it so real. Also, all these horror stories about induction don't flippin' help!

Come thursday morning I'm just going to be a jibbering wreck which will probably make the labour a million times worse!
Arrrrgh someone tell me to pull myself together! :cry:
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I'm sure all will be ok, try not to stress yourself out too much and just think you will have your little one in your arms soon awwwwwwww, best of luck xxxxx
Aw, im sure everything will be fine and its completely normal to be nervous. just try to relax and think that on thursday you will have a beautiful little girl to hold :)

Hey will be absolutely fine..

Are you being induced with the pessary first??

I had the drip and was actually comforted as I was constantly monitored :)

Good luck :) x
Awww my fingers r crossed for you! I havnt wrote about my labour on here but thought I would tell u about mine! I was VERY lucky... sending u luck too!!

I, like you knew I was going to be induced.. 1st of all they gave me a pill to try bringing on the labour.. nothing happend, so they repeated this 3hrs after... nothing so they gave me a sweep... this hurts! I have to admit it.. but it does only hurt for about a minute, the midwife put her hand up and turned while inside.

My waters broke and i started having my contractions, only mild.

My blood pressure was a little high so they advised for me to have an epidural which I was completely against.. I only wanted Gas & Air but I tell you something... the epidural was amazing!! I was in labour for 4 hours of which I was stroking my OH hand and having a good chat wiv no pain! Then I told the midwife I felt like I needed to go a poo.. she then advised me that must be the babies head not me needing a poo lol she said I can push or wait 2 let the epidural relax my muscles so much that the baby will come out by himself. I couldnt wait pushed about 4 times and there he was!! Pain free labour and a gorgeous baby boy!

Ive now come to the conclusion id rather be induced than not bcoz I would make sure the day im bein induced some1 is around just incase I want an epi again (there is usually only 1 doctor in the hospital that can do an epi so if his not there u cant have it) also before u have been induced they will give you an injection for pain relief which will kick in just at the right time for your contractions!

Wish u the best of luck hun xxxx
Hun, you are right to be scared, anyone would. Just think about it - if you have to have a drip, they will offer you an epidural and my friend who was against it in the begining (she wasnt induced), said it was great.

In any case, I am sure everything will be ok, they will monitor you and make sure the baby arrives safely.
I can't believe you only have 3 days to go! I'm sure it'll all be fine, just try not to think about anything other than the fact you'll get to meet you're baby girl soon xx
Lulu I was induced on Friday and I am still here to tell the tale! Without going into all the details I feel the best piece of advice that I can give you is to completely rid your body of fear before Thursday. This may sound stupid but it is possible.

Remind yourself that with every contraction you are closer to meeting Poppy. Don't go in with the idea of being a martyr, if you need the drugs that are available, take them. You need to accept what is going to happen otherwise your body will produce a fight against what it is trying to do. You just have to go with it - your body really does just do it all naturally but if you accept it, it is easier to go with it mentally.

Feel like I am rambling now but hope you get the general gist of what I am trying to say - good luck and remember - you are built to do this! xxxx
Thanks so much girls :hugs:

Jaxx01: Yes I'll be given the pessary, then if that doesn't work it'll be repeated 6 hours later, then if that doesn't work it'll be the drip.

BabyWestwood: Thanks so much for sharing, I've actually already had a sweep (yesterday) but it was unsuccessful (my cervix was too high) and got another one booked for tomorrow. I do plan on having an epidural cos I'm not good with pain! So fingers crossed it works! :)

XcitedMum2b: I will try and keep what you've said in mind when I'm having contractions, I'll just keep thinking of baby :) Congratulations again on your little girl! xx
:hugs: I'm really scared of being induced too Lulu but you will be absolutely fine - just think you're going to be a Mummy by the end of the week, how amazing is that x
:slap: get a grip of yourself woman!!!

Only joking - I would be bricking it too lol..... I think that advice on trying to stay relaxed and chilled is the best way forward. I agree that when you are getting induced it surely is the best way to have the best pain relief all planned out for you.

OMG I cant believe its your turn next - you will be absolutely fine I just know it. I think its the "unknown" of 1st lime labour that makes everyone so scared. Just remember that many of us (including me) go on to do it again so it cant be all that bad. My labour with Joshua was 36 hours and here I am again....

Ok its gonna hurt but what is very surreal is that when going through labour, you just seem to turn into a different person and its so true that nature just takes over.

We are all here over next few days to help see you through this.... :hug:
Yeah, fear of the unknown is such a huge part of it! Thanks, I really don't know what I would've done without this forum throughout my pregnancy!

And I needed that slap :lol::lol: xx

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