Induced & Premature Babies


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I've read that induced & premature babies can want holding and rocking more so than babies who are born when they and the body chooses to birth them.

Obviously we all want to hold our babies and babies love to be held, just sometimes with Isaac I feel he needs to be held for some 'other' reason, like he is remembering the birth (induction with forceps & episiotimy), but I feel he should be held, maybe its all my own stuff I'm putting on him, I hope I'm making sense :oops:

Just wondered what Mummy's of these babies thought?
Wouldn't the answer to this depend on each mother's opinion on how often they think is right to hold their baby? Rather than what the baby wants? Some mothers think its ok to hold their baby all the time, so their answer would be no, whereas mothers who like to pop LO into their cot or pram would say yes.

And premature babies are born when they and the body wants - just not when the doctors and you may want!
emma was 10 weeks prem and is quite happy to not be cuddled a lot in fact she prefers to be on her own to play sometimes, i personally think its because thats how her life started as we were not allowed to hold her only once or twice a day so she became quite independant but thats just my oppinion :D
Maia does seem to prefer being held and falls asleep much easier on a lap etc.

Spend most of the day jiggling her around to keep her happy! :D
Aimee was induced and she was always on my knee. She wouldn't nap any where else. Don't know if its connected or not?
My dd wanted rocking and jiggling a lot, but not til she was about 6 months old, before then she would sleep anywhere and didn't really mind if she was held a lot or not. After 6 months she either had to be in my arms or being bounced in her bouncy chair - she napped in the thing for months because she loved it so much. Even now (she'll be 6 on saturday), she will fall asleep easiest in the car or if I'm close by, and she seems to need cuddling a lot, even just watching telly she has to be sat on mine or her dad's lap. I don't know how much is to do with her being prem, or with the way we are so affectionate with her. Either way I'm happy :hug:
I'd say no except this afternoon ..but now i think about it he doesn't like going down much atall it has just been a particulary bad afternoon so can i change my vote to yes???I think he just likes been close to me or his Dad not necessarily other people

he was induced by the way
libs said:
Wouldn't the answer to this depend on each mother's opinion on how often they think is right to hold their baby? Rather than what the baby wants? Some mothers think its ok to hold their baby all the time, so their answer would be no, whereas mothers who like to pop LO into their cot or pram would say yes.

And premature babies are born when they and the body wants - just not when the doctors and you may want!

I agree libs its not really something thats easy to answer and we'll never know the answer but was interesting to hear what other mummies thought, thankyou :hug:

And I didn't mean nothing bad by premature babies coming 'early', I was being very general and going on the idea of babies being 'full term' and 'ready' by 38weeks, sorry if offended anyone :hug:
Sam was induced and he wouldn't settle unless tightly wrapped and cuddled. I wore him for most of the first two months. I still wear him now but not as often as he gets heavier.

I'm not sure if it had anything to do with him being induced. I think all babies want to be held or wrapped.

I wish I'd worn my little girls the way I did Sam, I think baby wearing is fantastic for mum and baby.

Harley was 5weeks early and was never clingy or wanting to be held, he was more happy in his own space and was and angel going to sleep on his own
Redshoes said:
libs said:
Wouldn't the answer to this depend on each mother's opinion on how often they think is right to hold their baby? Rather than what the baby wants? Some mothers think its ok to hold their baby all the time, so their answer would be no, whereas mothers who like to pop LO into their cot or pram would say yes.

And premature babies are born when they and the body wants - just not when the doctors and you may want!

I agree libs its not really something thats easy to answer and we'll never know the answer but was interesting to hear what other mummies thought, thankyou :hug:

And I didn't mean nothing bad by premature babies coming 'early', I was being very general and going on the idea of babies being 'full term' and 'ready' by 38weeks, sorry if offended anyone :hug:

Didn't offend me :D Just that if the results differed bewteen induced and prem that could be the reason. And my DS was born 8 weeks early - I think you'll probably find prem babies actually want to be held less - they tend to spend most of their early days in an incubator or cot in a nursery so they aren't used to being held as much. He also never cried for a feed as for the first few weeks I had to wake him for his feed and so he never got used to crying for a feed. The first night I was told I could leave him to wake alone for a feed he slept straight through and carried on doing so.
well i was induced and damon likes the odd cuddle but he very happy playing on his own!
christopher was induced and from birth i could only get him to sleep if i was cuddling him upright on my chest with his ear near my hear. hes better now (8mths) but from the very first day until around 6 months he had to be held all the time :hug:
Dan was 4 weeks early and induced. Sometimes he sleeps alone by himself and other times I have to rock him to sleep. He's a lil bit fickle! He's my first so I have no idea if it's connected :think: Def something to think about though!

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