In the news - which is worse?

I will vote 11 years old. The mother at 62 is not great but at least her and her partner are in the position to be able to care for their child emotionally, physically and financially. Yes they may die before their child grows up but then again they may live well into their 80's or 90's by which time their child will be an adult.
I voted for the 11 year old, if its the story I seen on the news she is smoking 20 a day and was drunk when she got pregnant. I know you can't watch teenagers all the time but she is only 11 why is she getting up to that sort of thing anyway.
defo the old woman having a baby, poor child aint going to have a mum for very long. at least having a young mum you can do loads of cool young things together when older!

the child of the 62 yr olod is never going to have much fun with its mum. be lucky if when its 13 the mujms still around!

my mum was 18when she had me its great having her so young we go up town together its great ok 18 and 11 are completely different.

but still the old woman shouldnt be so selfish

imagining my life with out a mum :shakehead:
I voted pregnant at 11. Yes a woman of 62 may notbe in the best position, but at least she has some life experience and the baby is wanted.
I think they are both as bad as eachother tbh but each in their own ways.

The 11 year old is too young but at least she will be alive to see her child grow up and as dionne said the child will be able to have fun with it's mum wereas the 62 year old won't be able to.

Rachel xx
Rachel said:
The 11 year old is too young but at least she will be alive to see her child grow up and as dionne said the child will be able to have fun with it's mum wereas the 62 year old won't be able to.

my mum was a young mum - had me when she was 23, and still didn't see me grow up. The 62 year old is in very good health and could see her child reach 30. At 11 years old the baby probably won't be fully cared for by its mum as she herself is too young to have full responsibility for a baby. My gran looked after me after my mum died and we had plenty of fun. Being around to see the child growing up isn't always the best thing. I only had my mum for a short while but I would rather have had those years with her then still have a mother around who wasn't that great. I disagree with the idea of a 62 year old having IVF as I believe that the menopause (not early menopause) is nature's way of saying no more but the 11 year old shocks me more.
i just hope the 11yr old changes once becoming a mum,
i havnt read any of the stories and am just going by what u lots have said about her, but i no that that when i got preg at 18 i was terrible drinking all the time even got in with the wrong crowd and thought drugs were the only way to have a good time :oops:
the thought of having a child was awful :cry: untill i misscarried, then i was completely different the second time round it changed me so much the moment i knew Dior was here to stay.
i think both as bad as each other... but if i had to choose one i'd choose the 11 yr old... forget charging the 15 yrs old dad... lock the bloody parents up!!!!! at 11 aren't you supposed to be still playing with your roller boots? gets me so angry!! she is still a baby... it's child neglect... can her body even cope with a pregnancy? mentally NO.. but physically... she body is stil growing as a child...

the 62 yr old is not ideal but then i was thinking of a old woman with wrinkled skin and bad hips... at 62 you can still be very active and healthy... my mum is 55 and can out dance me... there's loads of older men out there having babies... I know it's different but it shouldn't be...

I've voted that having a baby at 11 is worse

The child of the 62 year old will have a much better start in life. Even if his/her parents die when he/she's young, they'll have instilled their values and I'm sure they'll make plans for when the worst does happen. She's not an 'old' 62 year old, she's probably got more life left in her than a lot of 40 year olds. I don't agree with it, but IMHO it's better than the 11 year old

The child of the 11 yr old is going to be brought up in an environment where drinking at smoking at a young age are the norm, probably on benefits and with little future to look forward to. The worst thing is that the child will probably end up doing the same. It's not the only scenario, but it's the most likely.
I don't like the idea of either to be honest! A child of 11 shouldn't have a baby and neither should a woman of 62! At 62 she's been through the menopause and nature has said no more but because she has money she can decide she wants to have a child, it's not right at all! The 11 year olds parents have a lot to answer for, why the hell was she allowed to smoke and drink from the age of 9?!?!
I think both are bad to be honest. You could argue that it's more natural for an 11 year old because of periods etc, than breaking mother natures rule and having a baby after your periods have stopped.

Even though I have said this though both ages are wrong in my eyes and i would feel sorry for the babies born in both cases.

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