
Active Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Hey everyone,
im pritty new to this site and dont realy no any one on here i feel silly posting :oops: but im not sure what to think.

from a teenager ive always got my AF on time every 28days and lasts for 5 days, the flow has never changed even tho i started very young (11).

we have been TTC since may, this month my Af was late and only lasted for 2 days and was realy light i didnt get my normal Af signs this month. i took a test the day my Af was due and it was BFN, but i just feel diffrent, im sleepy all the time, weeing all the time, i feel sick b4 i go to bed and the past two days after i eat,im realy bloated and ive got a high temp all the time even tho im not unwell if ou no what i mean.

Has any on else had there AF but found out later they were preg? or is it all in my head? i dont want to take a test because i was Absolutely gutted when i thought i got me AF and i no it will upset me taking a test again and getting a BFN
i think i need some one to tell me to stop being silly haha sorry to go on :bored:
There's a chance it could have been implantation bleeding- I got that when I was pg with Elliott around the time of AF and thought it was that but it was very very light- I then tested a week later and BFP. I would think it would be worth testing again if you can face it :) The hormone levels might not have been strong enough to have worked on the test...

Good luck hun
If your AF was unusal and lighter & your not feeling yourself you should maybe go & speak to your GP.

It could be anything - related to stress or just no reason but its always good to be safe than sorry.

I had an ectopic last year and I had my 'period' what I thought anyway I don't think it was usual but didn't think anything of it. A week after that stopped I was so tired, spotting etc and I took a test it was a BFP but as stated it was an ectopic which causes hCG to rise slowly. Took the hospital a couple of weeks to say it was definate (ectopic). Sorry not meaning to scare you but anything unusal you should always see to it esspecially whist TTC.

i did with my first pregnancy hun it was a week to early and only lasted a day and a bit was very light 2 weeks later i got my bfp
maybe leave it for a week and test again if not speak to your gp about it
manda xx
thanks girls, i might leave testing for a week and see how i feel and try not to get my hopes up

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