So last night I got very excited as I'd had a bit of spotting (9dpo yesterday) so I was convinced it was implantation. I told my husband and he was clearly very happy although he did say he didn't want to get too excited until we could test and see a positive as wouldn't want to be disappointed.
Woke up this morning to really bad period like cramps and more spotting - so now I think AF is just arriving a few days earlier than expected. I've not had a heavy bleed yet so now I'm waiting to see if the spotting turns to full AF or if it is in fact implantation bleeding.
I have back ache and the blood is bright pink and I think it was red yesterday so I'm swaying towards AF; but she is early and I know I didn't ovulate earlier either :/ just playing the waiting game now to see if we're onto cycle two. Feeling really disappointed right now though
Woke up this morning to really bad period like cramps and more spotting - so now I think AF is just arriving a few days earlier than expected. I've not had a heavy bleed yet so now I'm waiting to see if the spotting turns to full AF or if it is in fact implantation bleeding.
I have back ache and the blood is bright pink and I think it was red yesterday so I'm swaying towards AF; but she is early and I know I didn't ovulate earlier either :/ just playing the waiting game now to see if we're onto cycle two. Feeling really disappointed right now though