Implantation bleeding


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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I have a question about implantation bleeding. I only discovered I was PG on Tuesday when AF didnt arrive. I have had 4 positive HPT's and an appointment with the Dr on Monday. However, yesterday I noticed very light spotting like a brownish colour, only a small spot and it has now gone. I didn't have any pain, just felt like a movement in my belly for the last 2/3 days like a butterfly. However, I thought the implantation bleed was supposed to happen BEFORE the missed period, I thought the test couldnt show positive unless it had implanted?

Please someone advise as I am worried there's something wrong :(

Thank you

Kim xx
Don't be worrying Kim.

As far as I know the implantation can take place after your positive test if you take your test very early on (which you did). I had no implantation bleeding but I know my friends did - some after discovering their pregnancy. I had a positive test before my missed period and think I felt twinges a week or so later whcih may have been implantation. In any case you can still have a little bit of blood for the whole 9 months apparently.

Don't stress about it, there'll be loads of odd things happening for the first few months but I like to think of them all being good odd things! Stay as upbeat as you were when you took your test. There's no reason under the sun why you shouldn't have a successful pregnancy.

Make sure you keep us all updated. Lots of luck.

Hello Kim,

Bleeding can happen throughout pregnancy and for different reasons. The main type to worry about is bleeding with pain, heavy bleeding, or constant bleeding.

If it's just a little bit once it's unlikely that it's anything to worry about.

As for the moving feelings they are normal too and again, unless you have them with pain are nothing to worry about.

Good luck at the Docs on Mon.
Thanks I feel a lot better now I will let you know how I get on at the doctors.

Kim xx

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