With my second pregnancy I had what I have assumed was IB. It was around the time my period was due, maybe a couple of days before (hard to know as my previous period had been a miscarriage) so around 10/12dpo I guess... It was about 2 days of very light, brown spotting. I thought it was a weird AF starting as I had vague AF-like tummy/backache too but I never came on. I tested about 3 days later with a BFP.
I know it's not as common as it is made out to be on the internet but I don't know why else I would have been spotting then
I didn't have anything with my last 2 pregnancies. I expected to get it about 10dpo but after talking to some of the girls on here they said it's really rare for people to get it and it's only well known because of the internet.
i had no bleeding whatsoever with my first pregnancy (my daughter) , i did bleed with the second but that was a m/c rather than implantation. this one iv had nothing either
I had spotting on 4 occassions during week 8, 9 and 10 and my nurse told me this was implantation bleeding, as was very light and hardly anything, and only lasted like an hour on all 4 occassions.
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