Chicken Pox?

Young Mum 21 x

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Hey girls so my niece has caught chicken pox at nursery so we havent been able to be around her since Harry was born (1/1/12).. However now it seems my other niece has got them as she come out in a rash this morning, she has been around my 3 year old and the baby!! I don't mind as much about DD getting it but any one know/had a newborn with chicken pox? I've heard it can be more serious in babies :( xx
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I know a couple of people who have had older kids with it just after their babies were born. One of the babies didn't get it at all and the other one had it very mildly so it's not always more serious. Are you breastfeeding? Not sure how much of a difference that makes but it might help if you've had it x
No I'm not BF :( Some say it's rare in under 12month olds some say it can be serious! I must stop googling ;) thanks xx
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Hope he's ok. I'm not sure how much if a difference bf makes anyway - the friend whose baby had it mildly wasn't x
i think the best thing you can do is just keep an eye on him. in theory it could be worse as they are so small etc like sams mum said i think it depends on the strenght of it. If you are worried just take him straight to hosp etc!! xx (me 15 month old is just recovering)

Well girls my daughter ended up catchin it! We noticed her rash starting to come last Thursday, so theyy have now crusted over which means she's no longer contagious but we've had to keep her home from school which means she's been home with harry, I phoned hospital for advice and they've said babies have our immunity for few weeks? So fingers crossed he won't get it! Thanks for the advice xx
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