imgoing a bit mad here, need some advice?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Hello everyone,

This is my first time here (i feel all new)! Basically my fiancee and i have been trying for a baby for about three months.

My period is due on saturday and im feeling rather strange. The first thing that happened was on wed i had an emotional outburst rather embarrassing started crying for no particular reason. Since then, i have been feeling nausea but only mildly its actually like ive got loads of spit in my mouth all the time and it kinda comes in waves. Im tasting food differently, large ribena hold the cheese? my boobs are really sore but usually its just my nipples that get sore and they seem bigger.

today ive had a new symptom feeling really light headed and faint and ive had really bad back ache for a few days. im too scared to do the test as i dont want it to be negative as i feel so like i am then ill think im silly and a hypercondriac? is it too early to do a test?

Thanks girls x
ps its jasmine again! im also so tired today that it feels an effort to stand up? Whats going on? also the sickness is kind of coming a bit when i see or talk to different people. is that normal or am i just really nasty person? x
Most tests need to be done on your period due date or after, some girls have had a positive before their period due date, others have had a negative before their periods due, followed by a positive afterwards. So its up to may well get a positive, but you may get a negative, followed by a positive next week?!

Maybe get a clearblue test as they are the most accurate......but bear in mind that if its negative it may be positive after the weekend....have I just confused you even more....sorry :?

the basic rule is you can get a false negative, but you cannot get a false positive. A line is a line - good luck - let us know how you get on :hug:
Jasmine said:
ps its jasmine again! im also so tired today that it feels an effort to stand up? Whats going on? also the sickness is kind of coming a bit when i see or talk to different people. is that normal or am i just really nasty person? x

They all sound like pg symptoms....but you won't know until you test....lots of luck :hug:
Yeah i see what you mean, i think thats whats stopping me getting a test as i dont wanna be confused or get my hopes up and down. what symptoms did you have? dont wanna sound horrid but did you get like bile in your mouth all the time and faint sickness more like queasy?

Your baby is so beautiful by the way x and thanks for the advice ill take one on sat and post the result x
please forgive me i thought that was your baby there (you can tell im new) how are you feeling at the mo?
Thats baby is on the left of my ticker........not due for another 10 weeks...not that I'm expecting it to drag though. I'm feeling rpetty good at the minute........aching a bit but nothing I can complain about I wouldn't change the aches and pains for the world - she'll be worth every pain.

My symptoms were: metal taste in my mouth, the most achiest boobs EVER, and feeling nauseous. Not being sick or anything, just the same as you feeling queasy. I found I was pg at about 5 weeks though, so about a week after my period was due...........not that i suppose that makes a difference, I had been getting those symptoms for a week before I took the test.

Lots of luck for Saturday :pray:
It sounds like you have the common symptoms and what your describing is how I felt before I found out I was pregnant. You should do a test other wise you wont be able to think of anything else and it will put your mind at ease one way or the other. Good luck and report back to us lol :hug:
they sound very similar to the symptoms i had and still have now but of course you need to test! i tested with a clear blue and got a positive 10dpo but as the girls say some dont test positive that early...

good luck and let us know how you get on!


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