Some Advice Please


Dec 10, 2007
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Hello everyone I am new on here. Just some advice needed.

I had unprotected sex on what I thought was my most fertile day14 days after my period. That night I then had a slight werid feeling and pain in my stomach. And then for about a week I was getting slight cramps in my lower stomach and sore breasts.

Could this possibley be early pregancy symptons.

the fact that you were aware that you had sex on day 14 helps as this should be most womens fertile period but it depends on the length of your cycle.

i wouldnt take your systems as a reason to think your pregnant. if you read the forum loads of women watch their body so much on the 2ww they can convince themselves they are pg....i include myself in this. so the best thing to do is just wait and test after af is due.

hope that helps?
I totally agree with Sazzle

I even had mornin sickness when I wasnt pregnant :rotfl: but I wanted to be pregnant so much I guess my mind and my body just started producing symptoms. Best thing to do would be to do a hpt when your due or 3-4 days before your period is due but be aware that if you do it early you might get a negative as the chemicl the hpt look for might be weak at that point although the clear blue digital is very good for early testing.

good luck
there is always a chance of being pregnant even without symptoms. the earliest you can test is a week prior your period but may still get a negative result. test a couple days b4 ure period, and if u miss u period test agen a few days after. hope u get the result u want
Hi ya

I think I am due on today or tomorrow. So guess I'll just have to wait.

Thanks for all your advice

Hi Lou

I would just 2nd what the other girls have said really and just wait until your AF is late before testing.

The increase of the progesterone hormone in your Luteal Phase can sometime produce pregnancy like symptoms and I'm sure most of the girls on here will tell you that most month they get sore boobies at some point before their AF is due. So although it can be a symptom of pregnancy it could also be just hormone related.

I hope that whatever happens it what you want

Hi everyone

Is mood swings also a sympton of pregency as well as stomach cramps and sore breasts.

lou3686 said:
Hi everyone

Is mood swings also a sympton of pregency as well as stomach cramps and sore breasts.


These were signs for me, but got them almost every month anyway.

Good luck . xxx
Thank you

I have been getting all these symptons. Period should be due today or tomorrow so just waiting to take a test. But I am getting the urge to do one tonight but I know I shouldn't.

What you guys think??

If you're due now then do a pregnancy test as you have a good chance of a positive result if you're pregnant but I would be careful with wat test u use as some are more sensitive than others, clear blue digital is the best I found
Ok thanks

Got a cheapie one at the moment so will do it now then maybe one in the morning but a proper clear blue one

ok let us know the result on the cheapie one as soon as you do it and i hope u get what u want
nothing there but to be honest I didn't really need a wee so I made myself wee hopefuly AF won't come and I can do one tomorrow morning or thursday morning with a proper clear blue test.

Sorry it wasn't a bfp - they do say use your first morning wee as the hormone has had time to build up overnight. Fingers crossed :hug:
Yeah I will in future use my first morning wee. Hopefully its the answer I want

Well I did a clear blue test yesterday morning and it came out as a BFN but still no AF. Not sure what is happening

Still no AF but been having stomach cramps all day.

Anyone got any advice??

It might be a little early for testing maybe?

Give it a few days and test again if AF hasn't shown up (worrying will unfortunately make AF late)

If still BFN and no AF maybe go and visit your doctor, they can do a blood test that's a lot more accurate.

Hope you get the result you want :hug:

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