im terrible but im jealous


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
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hey i know this will sound soooo awful but my baby is mad about his dad, my son is now 7 months old and is crazy about his dad i am so glad about but i feel so left out, they have this amazing bond and i feel like im nothing, i know im with my son every day but even if i go away for a day and come back he never looks at me the way he does his dad when he comes from work, is there something wrong with our bond?
it really pisses me off too :x
we go through all that pain pushing them out and they not only look like their dads but they seem to bond with them more.

try showing your baby a photo of a gorilla and saying its daddy. Then when he sees a gorilla on tv and he says daddy you can watch your hubbys dimayed face and feel ultimate revenge. :D
that really made me laugh mite try it ha ha, but it is really frustrating, i like every other mother have spoilt him rotten im starting back to work and already i have bought him guilt toys and nope he still would rather have his dad grrrr going to try for a girl maybe she will bond with me better, or then she will prob also be a daddys girl grrrr he he
I have alittle girl, who loves her daddy so much, but it doesnt bother me i know she loves me just as much, i think she sees paul as the fun one and i think she sees me as the one who gives her wrong cooks her tea and makes her get in the bath, but cos i think iam the strict one she has more respect for me.

Maybe the roles will diffo when i have my little boy :D

dont worry hun :hug:
i do know its silly and hopefully i will get out of it but i feel left out maybe someday the score will be evened lol. id love to have a boy and a girl onee each ha ha, but i know what u mean cos when corey is sick its me he wants so u r rite about dad being the fun one
Seren is exactly the same, when her daddy comes home she is so excited, and on the day he is with her whilst I'm at work she appears to be a little angel. I think that some babies tend to associate daddy with fun and games and mummy with comfort as when Seren is tired or wants a cuddle its me she wants whereas when she wants to have a laugh she look for daddy. I also find that she goes through stages where at times she just wants mummy but others she wants daddy.
i am sooo glad i went on this today cos i was really begginning to think i was such a horrible mother but thank u so much at least now i know its normal lol thanks again xoxo
Brody is the same, don't worry, I think it's kinda cute and it gives me a break in the evening when he chases his dad around :lol:
My daughter seemed to go through phases where daddy would be the golden boy and I'd get treated like a dirt bag skivvy. I found it would swing back and for one day I was the almighty mam and the next I was as dirt beneath her shoe. It makes you feel horrible I know but trust me it doesnt last :hug:
I'm alread worrying about this! My DH is a really calm, sensitive sort and kids and babies LOVE him! I would hate it if our baby is all for her Dad :(
Jodie is all for Paul she threats for him. Ive left him since yesterday and she IS constantly looking for him. Im taking her to see him tommorow she should be pleased. Im not to bothered as i know she wants me te same. Im the only one who can comfort her when shes unwell or teething. I think all kids are the same. I never had a da till i was 12 and my mum married dave which i call dad. I missed out on a dad. It's great to have one around even if we do feel a bit jealous at least they care.And the child knows that.
maybe its because he sees him less, if he is in ful time work, when the babi is old enough they will realise it was mums hard work tht raised me and they wil b eternally grateful , just remember tht, and i love the gorilla idea, xx lol :D
i see what u all mean cos ive been feeling like that the past few days ive let my partner take over and corey does then look for me so yipee he does love me ha ha, thanks girlis for all your help. xx :hug:

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