im sorry girls


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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but im a massive que jumper, my waters broke at 2.15am on the 12th and our daughter Ava was born at 1.40pm that afternoon. we were only 34+1, Ava was in then neonatal ward until Thursday and we got home today. she's doing really really well. had a delay in feeding but thats normal for her gestation. she weighed a good 5.5 and a quarter! i will post a birth story and photos when i get the chance!

my midwife said that nature took its course to ensure she arrived safely after all the worries i had in the previous week to her arriving!
oh wow, Had not even realised you had been in labour. Congratulations and I hope you and Ava are doing well. Cant wait to see the pics... :hug:
:hug: Awwww congratulations! :D Que jumping is okay we forgives you hehe. Glad shes doing well and beautiful name btw xx
Congratulations :cheer:

Glad all went well and so pleased you are both home :D
Awwww congratulations, I'm glad everything is ok and I love her name. :cheer: :hug:
Aww congratulations!! :cheer: Ava is a beautiful name!
Congrats hunnie - beautiful name!!! Glad your both doing well!
Oh my god, glad to hear that you and little Ava are doing okay! Congratulations sweets, can't wait to see some piccies of your gorgeous little girl :)

C xxx
Goodness me< glad you are all well and congrats on Ava! She was a good weight and sounds like she is doing well which is the main thing!!
Wow lillou!! :hug: I'm so pleased you're both ok and she's home now!

Love the name, and huge congratulations to you and your OH! :hug: :cheer:
Congratulations!!! Cant wait to read your birth story!
Wow!! Congratulations :cheer: Cant wait to read your birth story, hope your all doing well! x
a huge very jealous you got to meet your baby already :) but so happy all is well with her!
Congrats on the birth of Ava! What a beautiful name. xxx
Congratulations hun :cheer: :cheer: I had my first son at 34 + 1 and he was in SCBU for 2 weeks so she sounds like she is doing really well. Look forward to seeing some piccies!!

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