I'm sooooo sneaky ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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:dance: little old me just came back from having an early scan :lol: and heres my happy healthy blob:


Everything was fine saw the little heart beating away, but i have been put back to 6 weeks, but thats fine...looks like i'm in the July club with Kanga and co lol :) Just happy that my lil bean was all fine and healthy i am now one relieved chilled out mummy :) xx
you sneaky thing!!! aw I'm pleased for you - tiny little baby bean!! xx
hehe thanks ladies, i was a little scared as she started with an external scan and couldnt see anything, my heart sank but everything was as clear as day when she did the internal scan :) nearly cried hehe xx
Yeah i heard at around 6 weeks its very difficult to see on an external, so happy for you x
Omg Hun, how sneaky of u! How did u manage that? And keep quiet? :D

So cool to see u pic, amazing! Yay for another July bean! :) xx
Great news, sorry you have been put back though :( how many days did she put you back by?
Welcome to the July bambinos club hun :) So pleased everything's fine xxx
Fantastic Hun!!! I was pit forward to just under 6 weeks when I had my scan on monday so we might even have the same due date now!! Congratulations! Another July bean yay!
i had some tummy ache yesterday i knew it wasnt pregnancy related but thought bugger it and rung epau and they got me in for this morning :) they have put me back a whole flaming week :O i think baby is just small haha, my DD was anyway!!

Oooh spammy we may very well have the same date :) think that takes me to 5th July now, i suppose it will probably change again come the 12 week scan lol!! xx
How sneaky of u! So pleased all is well, I'm sure ur dates will change once u get to 12 weeks, lil bean probably would have caught up :) xx
yeah i think they will probably put me forward again, i think blob is just small like its sister haha!! At least i can relax now until my 12 week scan, well thats if this sickness will allow it lol xx
I hope u can relax now. 12 weeks probably seems ages away for u now?

It seem like ages to wait til tomorrow evening! Can't wait to see lil roo or two :) Xx
haha yeah it does but then i do have quite a lot on in the coming weeks so that should keep me occupied! I hope lol!!
Hope your scan goes well tomorrow too Kanga, i'll be stalking to see how many beans ya got in there haha!! least i know i just have the one :) phew i'm happy about that hehe!! xx
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Brilliant news, what a lovely little blob! Isn't it great when you see a little heart beating away, it's such a miracle!
:yay: cos I can't enlarge it, baby looks like a resting butterfly aaaawwww xxxxxxxx
hehe i loved watching its little heart fluttering away :)

Funny you should mention that it looks like a butterfly babybrain because thats what my OH's mum said it looked like hehe!! bless it :) xx
Sneaky sneaky, although I can't say doing that hasn't crossed my mind ;)

I can't believe you've got your scan tomorrow Kanga, can't wait to see a pic and find out how many :) I must admit this week has gone pretty quick so slowly getting closer to the 12 week scan :) xxx

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