Im So Stressed and had enough! :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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im so stressed out! not cos of being pregnant but so many things are bothering me,i wont go into detail but theres so much to do before my lil mans here, and little things are bothering me, had a girl who moved out of my house (we swapped) come over earlier giving me abuse on my own front doorstep cos i never had any mail for her... (she does drugs btw) when she left it proper shook me up and sat crying for ages till my mum come over to sort me out, its tiny things that are stressing me out and im worried my lil mans gonna be premature or something... any other ladies currently stressed? cos i feel like only one! ahhhh!!
I've had one of these days too!! I work full time and take my daughter to and from school every day and my weekends normally consist of absolutely nothing, and this weekend i've been non-stop and i hate it coz my body is killing me. Couldn't find one of the tiny parts for the vax machine earlier so OH couldn't wash the carpet...ended up in tears, then my fave song came on the telly and thats me at it again.

I have these days most days! :lol:

I will cry at everything, want to scream at the husband for not putting dishes away of an evening! You name it, I get uber stressed over it! xx
All the time your so not alone xxx

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