im so horrified at wot i saw the other day...


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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last fri wen i was visitin my sis in hospital i saw someone i went to skool with we wasnt friends but just sed hello wen we passed in the corridor, well the part of the hospital my sis was in was also maturnity well wen i got to the hospital the nurse sed my sis could come home so i went outside to ring my mum, while standing there i saw this girl from skool she was pregnant and about to have a c-section obv early as her mum was getting the baby prem clothes but then an this is the bit i could not believe was she lit up a cigarette an while i was there waiting for my mum she had like 4 fags in 20 mini just couldnt believe it, and felt so sorry for this baby i even sed to her have u smoked for the whole of ur PG n she sed yea so i sed y didnt u give up and she sed im not just an incubator on legs :shock: :shock: :shock: just couldnt believe it
I guess she was very stressed about the forth coming section. Its her attitude that wasnt very nice :cry: I know how hard it is to pack in smoking, but that attitude is upsetting.
yeah i agree with you hels, people who dont care about giving up for the sake of there baby upsets me, i feel bad for people who try and cant, but people who cant be bothered to even try... now that gets to me..
smoked through the whole pregnancy? I know how hard it is to quit for people but really that attitude she obviously didnt even bother trying..
I know how hard it is to quit, I smoked for 7 years before I got pregnant but I cut down straight away and I'd quit by 8 weeks. I felt so guilty every time I smoked. Yes it's hard, but if you care about your baby you'll quit.

My OH smoked for 12 years, he's managed to quit just because I'm pregnant! Again, it was hard but he managed because he wanted to quit for the baby.

I can't understand women/girls with the 'don't care' attitude.

Even worse was that thing in the news about girls smoking DELIBERATELY so the baby would be smaller at birth! That's shocking.
I gave up smoking several years ago I know its very hard giving up and I congratulate everyone that does when ttc or find out they are pg. I think it very sad when someone can't even be bothered to give it a go.

Maybebaby said:

Even worse was that thing in the news about girls smoking DELIBERATELY so the baby would be smaller at birth! That's shocking.

It's a disgrase and not even true my auntie was a heavy smoker and smoked through her pg (22yrs ago) she was emormous we all thought it might be twins but she just retained tons of water due to the fags and the baby was normal size when he was born.
i have craved fags everyday since i found out i was pg but i gave up coz the health of my baby is more important than a craving even though i cud eat one at times lol. buba comes first
I smoked about 20/30 a day before getting pregnant but when I found out I was pregnant I gave up.

It took me about 3 days to stop compleatly, I found it hard at first and was always craving one but the health of baby is more important to me :)
grrr i think its so shocking too i was so dissappointed when my mum was pregnant with my little sister she didnt give up smoking and carried on drinking (she did cut down on both but didnt stop), me and my other sis are both quite big and health but little sis was small but thank god she is healthy
thats nothing, me and hev know a girl who smoked, drunk and took shiet loads of drugs (E's, speed, weed......) all through her pregnacy, she didnt look pregnant cos the speed was keeping her skinny :shock: :shock: :shock: :evil:
Madi's Daddy said:
thats nothing, me and hev know a girl who smoked, drunk and took shiet loads of drugs (E's, speed, weed......) all through her pregnacy, she didnt look pregnant cos the speed was keeping her skinny :shock: :shock: :shock: :evil:

Was her baby ok??

(I've just finished reading Daniella Westbrook's autobiography. She smoked, drank and snorted about 5 grams of coke everyday during her pregnancy. She even did a line half an hour before she gave birth :shock: :twisted: :shock:)
Disgusting. people who do drugs during pregnancy dont deserve the beauty and miracle of having a child! Addiction is a hard thing but if u care enough about your child you can beat anything! I know i could do ANYTHING for my baby girl! NO MATTER WHAT
Jayceesmumma said:
Disgusting. people who do drugs during pregnancy dont deserve the beauty and miracle of having a child! Addiction is a hard thing but if u care enough about your child you can beat anything! I know i could do ANYTHING for my baby girl! NO MATTER WHAT

hear hear :clap:

When I was pg with Lydia, I gave up all artificial sweetners and caffeine, as well as alcohol of course.
Man I wanted a decent cup of tea so badly, or a glass of pepsi, but no, not one drop touched my lips from the minute I found out I was pg.
Jayceesmumma said:
Disgusting. people who do drugs during pregnancy dont deserve the beauty and miracle of having a child! Addiction is a hard thing but if u care enough about your child you can beat anything! I know i could do ANYTHING for my baby girl! NO MATTER WHAT

you would have been discusted if you had watched the show i watched last week :shock: :shock: :shock:

its called the vice. this girl was 20 and addictided to heroin so she was 5months pregnant doing prostition to feed her habbit and she was not having problems getting the punters even with the bump. never mind her dirty smelly looking body...

the police pulled a car it had her in it another pro and a man having a 3some and she already has 2 children in care

nice hey???
dionne said:
Jayceesmumma said:
Disgusting. people who do drugs during pregnancy dont deserve the beauty and miracle of having a child! Addiction is a hard thing but if u care enough about your child you can beat anything! I know i could do ANYTHING for my baby girl! NO MATTER WHAT

you would have been discusted if you had watched the show i watched last week :shock: :shock: :shock:

its called the vice. this girl was 20 and addictided to heroin so she was 5months pregnant doing prostition to feed her habbit and she was not having problems getting the punters even with the bump. never mind her dirty smelly looking body...

the police pulled a car it had her in it another pro and a man having a 3some and she already has 2 children in care

nice hey???

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Your joking!! That is sick!! She should be neutered (sp?)!!
Its awful how u can have children in care but u have more???!!
A girl i know had 5 kids and she was a heroin addict, she could have stopped but enjoyed it too much..
All 5 were taken off her and put into care homes, she was warned any more children she had would be taken too, but she got pregnant AGAIN!! she was doing herion thru the pg and the baby was 1 month prem, she was born an addict and was having trouble breathing, she was shaking and pale, the mw asked if she had done any drugs (if she told them, they could have cured her baby!!! and she KNEW it!!) but she said no, and went home, leaving her baby in hospital while she went out with her mates!!! The baby was in the care unit at hospital for a month and she didnt go see her or confess once!! Luckily my friends mum works at the hosp in the baby unit so we told her and they managed to save the baby.
It makes you sick! One of her babies had cot death due to being around smoking drugs etc, and she took photos and showed her friends (not in a respectful way!) its.... i cant find the words to describe it!!!

Another family i know, the man had 3 kids with a drug addict woman (he done drugs too but not as bad) and they split up, she got custody of the kids and moved in with her new bloke, these kids were naughty lil things due to bad upbringing, the boy was beaten daily, the girl was put in scolding hot water coz she didnt want a bath by someone who wasnt her dad, and the 5month old baby wouldnt stop crying so they gave it herion in its milk to shut him up, but it killed him. The boy and girl are ok now. the girl is actually 14 now and pregnant. lets hope she is a better mum thru her experiences!
Sorry if that upset anyone, its just some of the goings on! It should be stopped!!!
my god!!!!!!! please tell me your joking. there are some messed u people in the world i just dont get it i really dont! what ild do to them parents. ild throw themin a fire for putting the baby in hot bath! :evil:
I know its awful, she was lucky to be alive! scars all over her. The bloke is in prison for the murder of the baby thank god. its less than he deserves! he deserves torture!
i wish i was joking but this stuff happens everywhere and its sick! so close to home noone realises! so many people who dont 'seem' like they would do anything bad, would! Especialy under stress and post natal depression. Its awful mothers dont get the support they need when they get like this. example in corrie, claire pushing the babys pushchair inthe road etc..
its a terrible uncontrollable thing. But for a man whose not even the father of these kids to do such awful thinks, there is NO excuse!!

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