Im running out of time - Breech baby


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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I've done some research and will try a few things that i've seen but im sunning out of time. My next midwife appointments on Tuesday and at this one she said if he's still breech we could talk about my options. I know he's still breech because of an unrelated ultrasound that i had to have on Friday. I can also still feel him the wrong way round when he kicks ect, and he's showing no sign of turning.
Have any of you done anything that you think turned your LO. I know people keep saying theres still time but thought theres no harm in trying. i seriously dont want a section and im terrified about even the tought of it. I know every week that passes, the bigger he gets and less likely of him turning.

So i'd love to hear any of your suggestions please, or your experiences of turning/having a breech baby.
Thanks xx
Babies can turn by themselves and you still have time so fingers crossed.
Your consultant may attempt to move baby.

Did you get my text and message.

Hope all is well.
fingers crossed, i really hope he turns :pray:

yea did get your message thanks, i text you back did you get it? xx
keelie_b said:
fingers crossed, i really hope he turns :pray:

yea did get your message thanks, i text you back did you get it? xx

Unfortunatly not as divvy me has gone and lost her phone.
Now I have to wait till thursday to get a new one :doh:

Will text u my new no then hun.
Babies have been known to yurn at very last min so keeping my fingers crossed for you.
My DD turned head down at 36 weeks. She had been breech since 28 weeks.
So hopefully your LO will turn for you still. :hug:
Your not out of time yet, I think my baby turned a few days ago from being transverse, the midwife was called and put pressure on me but I *tried* to stay strong. They dont have to schedule for a C-section yet.

I did a lot of massage and getting on my birthing ball because if your tense and panicking it wont help, going around on all fours. I dont know how much of it works but I defo thinks it puts ur mind at ease and if ur relax, ur muscles are relaxed and more space for baby to move around.
Hi there

My LO was breech at 36 or 37 weeks (cant quite remember) but we were at the midwifes on the Thursday and she made an appointment for us to see the Consultant and have a scan i think it was the monday afternoon in which time Jessica turned, not sure what helped, but did do lots of bouncing on a ball.
Good Luck
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Moxobustion... google it.

Ive got some moxo sticks if youd like a couple
Aww sweetie, hope your LO turns.. still have time to do so :hug:
My son turned at 36 weeks. If you google ways to turn a breech baby there are loads of exercises you can try. I don't know if they actually made any difference or if he would have turned naturally, but it's certainly worth a try.

I've also heard very good things about acupuncture, that would have been my next move if he hadn't turned when he did.

My little brother turned from breech at 40 weeks! Gave my mum a right shock (and then decided to stay put for another 3 weeks :roll: )
Thanks all for replying, i will try and relax about the whole thing, hopefully he will still turn.

Chickadee, i have just been researching Moxobustion as you suggested, sound quite interesting i have not heard of it before. Going off what others have said sounds like theres still a week or so before i should really be worrying so if he is still breech then i might take up your genorous offer of the sticks. Thank you i really appreciate it but wouldnt want to take them if he turns over the next few days and someone else can make use out of them. Thank you :)

Turn baby turn!!!
Hi ya hun, i still have a breech baby and i am 36 weeks i have a midwife apt tom lunchtime and if he is still breech then i am going in asap for a scan, i am more than sure he's not going to turn for mummy tonight lol.

I think this ones going to be born by c section i think but at least i will know when i'm going to have my baby and i will have him earlier than expected. You have to keep thinking of the positives of a section and not dwell on the bad. :D
I saw a programme years ago and if you wash the floor on your hands and knees that position is supposed to help them get in the right position.

it was about the 'olden days' and i rememerbed this about pregnant women doing the usual chores helping the baby get settled.
HollyHobby said:
I saw a programme years ago and if you wash the floor on your hands and knees that position is supposed to help them get in the right position.

it was about the 'olden days' and i rememerbed this about pregnant women doing the usual chores helping the baby get settled.

if i got down to wash the floor at this stage in pregnancy i would never be able to get up again without a small crane lmao :D

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