I'm really angry!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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So DH finally got his wage slip. Says they have stopped paying him for 9 days then “back to normal pay 01.04.07”. Wont be sorted out for another month. He’s about £200 short!!
Went to the loo and caught my friend talking about me. She was stood at another desk talking about the latest promotions. Heard her saying “I hope jenna doesn’t get it shes more experienced than me”. I know she needs it more because shes only casual and im permanent but that’s really unfair for your friends to be saying. Theres like 50 places anyway it isnt like where fighting for one spot!
Also been told that I can get a NVQ in business admin/IT/customer care. All I need it to apply and a guy will sit with me and watch me work and I’ll get an NVQ. It isnt a massive qualification but it’s nice to have. Unfortunately my manager wont let me go for it. Even though its an internal thing, he says its too much hassle to sort out!!
Seems like everything’s falling apart. :cry:
try not to worry hun and ignore the silly cow. you have got a fantastic thing coming in few months concentrate on that :D

Hey u,

My OH's work have done that a few times, its ok them saying they will sort it but £200 is alot of money isnt it, its alright for them with their big cars and fancy homes with big bank accounts... why would they rush to sort our money out :twisted: lol rant over!

Your 'friend' sounds a little jealous of you hun but theres no need to bea b*tch about things is there, I would take it as a compliment that your so fab shes jealous! :wink:

Sounds like your boss is a lazy sod, can you not ask someone else to refer you for this NVQ, it may not be important to your boss but it definately is for you!

Good luck hun xxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh please don't listen to her your a threat, just do your own thing and you'll go far if you want it go and get it...

:hug: :hug: don't stress your head :D
:hug: Thanks. I've been feeling like bursting out in tears all morning. Its only been a few weeks since i caught her saying i was faking a bad back to get my own chair! (which wasnt true).

The thing at annoys me is that the £200 they havnt paid him they say they cant fix until next months pay but if they mess it up again we'll have to wait another month. When i first started here it took them about 4 months to sort mine out :evil:

My mum told me yesterday that a certain clothing company are still sending me catalogues and i checked and there also still emailing me. I got in touch with tradeing standards about it about a year ago and they told me to send them a letter, i did and got more junk sent to me in return :evil:

Even though my jobs great because i can "climb the ladder" i feel like its a waste of time, yeah the money gets really good but the people just stab you in the back. Every ones so bitchy and nasty to each other. I dont stand a chance getting a better job outside of here. :cry:
Jenna, you keep your chin up and remember there's a little baby inside you that loves you :hug:

This girl seems jealous and doesnt deserve to be called your friend :evil:

Please dont be sad :hug: :hug:
aww dont listen to her, she is obviously jelous that you are more expieriecned and better than her.

give her evils for the rest of the day thats what id do.
:) lol..cos im jsut like that

Just dropped myself in it with another friend now... were talking about my brotherinlaw being questiond for armed robbery. I said "he doesnt look like a 6ft skinny black guy" (hes like 5'5, overweight and white). I think she was really offended, i didnt mean it like it sounds, i mean thats what the police descripton was. Dont wanna say anything because i'll probebly make it worse :cry:
maybe your just having one of those days, i have them alot, i drop myself in shit all the time when i dont mean to,
im sure it will all be ok.

jenna said:
Also been told that I can get a NVQ in business admin/IT/customer care. All I need it to apply and a guy will sit with me and watch me work and I’ll get an NVQ. It isnt a massive qualification but it’s nice to have. Unfortunately my manager wont let me go for it. Even though its an internal thing, he says its too much hassle to sort out!!
Seems like everything’s falling apart. :cry:

too much hassle? thats his job! thats why managers get paid more, coz theyve got lots to do! dont let him shirk like that, u can kinda threaten him in a covert way by saying something like, "well if youre too busy, perhaps so-and-so (his superior) can arrange it for me?" he'll s**t himself if he thinks you'll go to HIS manager and tell him or her that yours cant be a*sed helping you, and he'll do it then!

and that was a nasty thing for your friend to say. try to rise above it :hug:
Aww u are having a bad day arent u hun.

Blame it on the hormones, works every time :wink: :wink:

Chin up chick xxxx
Hehe! i got an interview for my promotion!! 25th april! Wiped the smile off my friends face anyways. Cought her talking about one of my other friends yesterday and the manager just sat there listening and didnt even say anything. :x Anyway i told my friend because id want them to tell me if they heard anything. Come to the conclusion that shes just really desperate and has finally shown her true colours and to be honest i dont want to be accosiated (sp?) with people like her.

:cheer: Im in a really happy mood!! Promotion here i come!! :cheer:
haha they were talking about me while i was at dinner cus they found out i had an interview. :rotfl:
Shes probebly only nervous cus she didnt do her application form (she got a manager to do it) :rotfl: It'll be so funny if we end up on the same team but im a higher grade than her :rotfl: Well it made my day anyway :cheer:

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