I'm Off To Tri3!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Thank you so much for all your support while I've been in here, you've all been so great :hug:

You're all wonderful and have lovely little babies cooking well in your tums :D Keep up the good (yet tough) work looking after yourselves and I'll see a few of you very soon over in tri3 and the rest of you will soon follow :D

Thank you again for EVERYTHING. :hug: xxx

(P.s I have my 4D scan tomorrow so I'll post pics in here! :cheer: )
Woo :cheer: One step closer to meeting Evie :cheer:

Have a great scan tomorrow, am looking forward to seeing your pictures :)
Good luck on the scary side hun! :hug:
I will be joining you over there in 6 weeks time. We will miss you over here! Enjoy your scan tomorrow. Take care. :hug:
wow how time flies...Only just remember you leaving 1st tri to come over to 2nd...

well ..have a lovely scan tomorrow seeing Evie and enjoy third tri :) :wave:
Congrats Dannii, see you in a couple of days. Hope your scan goes well, cant wait to see your pics :hug: x
Aww blimey Dannii feels like thts come round quick you going into Tri 3!! :cheer: Have fun over there i hope its not too scary, i havent really looked in Tri 3 yet as i saw a couple of Tri 3 bump pics when i was still in Tri 1 and it scared me lol! xx
Good luck over there hun, I will be joining you on Sunday :D

Have a fab scan tomorrow hun :D

Damn it women, I haven't even taken the cakes out the oven yet!!! Had them on the go all day, a lot of people over there you know, and they have a tendancy to mulitply!!!

OK, take my hand....here we go.... :shock:
Aww Dannii :hug: Good luck poppet! Can't wait to see gorgeous little Evie in her scan pictures! Will miss you around these parts, but woo - Tri 3!!! :dance: :clap: :cheer: :hug:

C xxx
Awwww, good luck Dannii, can't believe your off to tri 3!! Can't wait to see your scan pics xx
Good luck Dannii!
Oh this is it now! The scary labour comes soon section!! :shock: hee hee by the time your due, you will be begging for labour to start lol! I will keep checking in on you over there!! xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
All the best Dannii! Enjoy the scan tomorrow, can't wait to see the pics.
Take care,
Sarah x
Goodbye Dannii :wave: :hug:
Have a wonderfully comfy and happy 3rd Tri, sending very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
aw good luck in tri 3 !!! Cant wait to see you there !! Gosh so exciting, everyones going to tri 3, that must mean im not a million weeks away from tri 3 !!! aww see you there hun !! :cheer: :hug: :dance: :cheer: :hug:
omg, can't beleive your 27 weeks already :shock: i remember when you joined, good luck in tri 3 hun
Wow Dannii, where's it gone? See ya in a fortnight!
Good Luck Dannii hope your scan goes well and you get some great pics of Evie.

Your on the home straight now :D

Take care

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