Im not very well! :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Iv been feeling really sick for the last few days, i cant eat anything. I had hardly anything to eat at the week end and felt really full when i ate anything but tried to choke it down because i knew it wasnt healthy to not eat.
The thought of drinking anything other than iron bru is making me gip :puke: . I tried to drink some water but i threw it back up :cry:

Iv had belly ache like AF is coming but im not due for another 3 weeks (ish) now!! Im so tired and dizzy. :cry: I cant stop snapping at people. Iv had the stupidest arguements this weekend because i just keep getting over emotional about everything.

Im not sure wether its stress or because i could be pregnant. I cant take a test because there packd somewhere (moved house at the week end)

:cry: Just feel really low today :cry:
Awww Jenna :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell & low, I hope you feel better soon.
awww hun sorry your not feeling v. well - hope you feel better soon :hug:
cant u go and but another cheap test hun?
mary70 said:
cant u go and but another cheap test hun?

I think im going to go and get one at dinner and take it tomorow morning.
Been thinking 'it'll be worth it' but it probably wont be a BFP and it'll make me more upset.

:hug: :hug: :hug: Thanks for the hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
i think it will be a bfn hun as you only had af last week didnt you.. dont wanna upset you anymore.. yes you could be pregnant and i so hope you are, but i would wait a week or so longer hun...
My last AF was really short and the blood was brown. Also in the middle of my last cycle i bled a little one day. I know its unlikely. I feel awful though and just want something good to balance it out. I know its probably wishful thinking but its hard not to :cry:
aww well i wish you all the luck in the world.. you and leanne need bfp's this month.. :hug:
ah hunni, i feel so sorry for ya... i hate feeling ill :(

i have also had the food problem, although i have been absolutley starving, then can only eat a little bit, and am bloted for the rest of the day!!!

there is still a chance for ya hun, could have been IB, then a little period??? it does happen!

think you should test, if only to take your mind off it! and if u get ur BFP u will feel so much better knowing that ur ill coz ur 'growing' a baby!!!

good luck hun xxx
feel better soon hun..... :hug:

you said it was a browny bleed last week, it may be worth testing but i would wait another week just to be certain,,, fingers crossed for you. :pray:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Could it be the stress of moving hun?

Although I hope it's that your PG :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Yeah, it could just be stress. :cry: Been having a lot of trouble moving. I just really dont want it to be that. Got 5 days off work soon so if it is i can have a nice relax. :hug: I did think it was odd last week though before the stress and before i felt really really ill. I just didnt feel "right".
id be concerned bout throwing up especially if it was just get a test done if i was you.

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