im not convinced

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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im going to sound mad...
im not convinced baby is head down and engaged.. it just doesnt feel any different to what i felt before :S
do i sound mad?

the mw at my appt on mon said baby is head down and engaged and wont move from that position, but im not convinced lol
Why do you feel that the baby has moved? Are you feeling lots of kicking movements at the top of your abdomen?
I couldn't believe that when I had my 35wk scan last week that baby was 2/5 engaged. I have a bit of discomfort and difficulty walking but just put that down to the excess weight on my front (i.e. bump) cos I was feeling a lot of movement at the top of my bump and at the sides.

When I had my 36wk MW appointment yesterday, she felt my bump and also says baby is well engaged and that she's a long baby with bum up in the air and that's why I'm feeling movement up top. Apparently my LO is straight up in my bump...head in pelvis and bum under my ribcage! And that's why I can feel a hand at either side of my bump and a foot at either side of the top of my bump cos apparently she's just throwing her limbs wherever she likes :lol:

I was convinced that my LO was either transverse or breech ;) x
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dont worry it doesnt feel any different to wen its further up, i would never have known with m firs hewas engaged or even 3/5 until my midwife told me xx
bubs was breech, luckily turned head down so found that out at 36week appt, I feel movement everywhere, in my foof, up near my ribs, on my sides lol.. but i don't feel pressure like I've heard some people talk about, I don't go loo a lot.. I feel normal if u get what I mean x
Gotta say doc and midwife both say they r sure he is head down but I feel no different although my bump looks lower!! I am going wee every two hours in night and if I walk for too long I get very strong pressure on the bottom of my bump and foof x
bubs was breech, luckily turned head down so found that out at 36week appt, I feel movement everywhere, in my foof, up near my ribs, on my sides lol.. but i don't feel pressure like I've heard some people talk about, I don't go loo a lot.. I feel normal if u get what I mean x

Aw don't worry with my first I didn't feel anything at all n didn't av a clue!

This is my second n couldn't b more different n I had lots of pain in foof, told mw she just said every pregnancy different, babys head may b lower as it could b smaller the sons so more snug n the fact it's my second all my muscles are baggy from first hehe x x x

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