Im moaning again : ( - update


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I posted last week about my pelvis hurting and feeling like i have been kicked in the lady bits, i thought it was just where the baby is engaging but a few of you said it could be the start of spd.

I dont see my midwife until next week and now it has got really quite painful i dont know if i should ring her and get some advice.

I dont like bothering the midwifes and if it is spd is there anything they can do?

I dont want to moan about every pregnancy ache and pain.
You should definitely call for a bit of advice, if its just normal they'll be able to tell you and if SPD is suspected they can refer you for a physio assessment, physio can help by sorting you with a lovely back/bump support :D Thats what they're there for hun x
I'd ring your M/W too mine was really helpful when I rang her and she referred me for Physio. Last week the Physio gave me a lovely :roll: support belt to wear but I swear it has helped.
I would call, as like the others have said she could refer you for physio if it is spd :hug: :hug:
I gave in and rang but had to leave a message hopefully they will call be back soon.

Sorry for moaning :hug:
Get thyself to the doctors - it's only over the road - you might be able to get an appointment to see your GP before the midwife with any luck?

Hope you feel better soon; it definitely sounds like SPD :hug:
Emma58 said:
I'd ring your M/W too mine was really helpful when I rang her and she referred me for Physio. Last week the Physio gave me a lovely :roll: support belt to wear but I swear it has helped.

mine are stinge ars3s they tried making me pay for a belt.....ive resorted to putting a dressing gown belt tightly around me hips at night to stop the pain!!! very sexy!!!!
tattybear85 said:
Emma58 said:
I'd ring your M/W too mine was really helpful when I rang her and she referred me for Physio. Last week the Physio gave me a lovely :roll: support belt to wear but I swear it has helped.

mine are stinge ars3s they tried making me pay for a belt.....ive resorted to putting a dressing gown belt tightly around me hips at night to stop the pain!!! very sexy!!!!

:eek: I can't believe they tried to make you pay for one that's really tight (as my son would say!!)
Midwife rang back and i described what i was feeling she said it sounded like pelvic girdle pain. As im seeing my normal midwife next week she said to tell them then and they will take it from there maybe get some physio.

I feel better now it is probaly something pelvis related and not baby engaging like i first thought as i was starting to panic about madam coming too early as i was so uncomfortable.

So now im going to put my feet up with a dvd as doing too much makes it worse, at least i have an excuse to sit on my backside all day.
Midwife rang back and i described what i was feeling she said it sounded like pelvic girdle pain. As im seeing my normal midwife next week she said to tell them then and they will take it from there maybe get some physio.

I feel better now it is probaly something pelvis related and not baby engaging like i first thought as i was starting to panic about madam coming too early as i was so uncomfortable.

So now im going to put my feet up with a dvd as doing too much makes it worse, at least i have an excuse to sit on my backside all day.

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