Im in the wrong job!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Hi I dont mean to rant but ive had the worst day:cry:

I had had 2 days off n had been talking to you guys n feeling alot more relaxed n then I went to work.

I work in retail and it its a baby shop so every day I see new borns and pregnant ladies which I have been dealing with but today!!! A girl from school comes in who I didnt like as she was one of the "in" girls n I wasnt not cause im a geek i might add but i wasnt a fussy cow :)

She was heavily pregnant and I was the only one about so had to serve her so I had to make polite conversation, we have mutual friends so I think she new I was ttc and she said "Oh well you'll be seeing alot more of everybody now we're all pregnant" meaning some of my friends are too. What a cow!

Anyway I am a little upset but gonna pounce on my man in morning as 1st fertile day so fingers crossed.

So happy ive got you all to talk to xxxx
Fingers crossed it'll happen for you soon hun :hug:
Chin up lovely :) don't let them get you down, as M says we've got everything crossed it happens for you soon xx
dont listen to anybody, just focus on yourself relax and im sure your BFP will arive soon enough :-D xx
That wasn't very nice of her. She obviously hasn't changed much.
But keep your head up high hun, you know you are better than that and hopefully you will get a bfp real soon.
Fingers crossed for you x

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