I'm Home!!!! good and bad news


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Well theres good news and bad news :shock:

Good news is I don't have pre-eclampsia :cheer:

However the bad news which in a way is more worrying is the continuing confusion about my dates.
I had bloods taken again today as I did sunday and yet again they are coming back saying that I am further ahead in my dates than my scans are telling me.

For some stupid reason the hospital is going by my 8 week scan which makes me due in May, however the other 3 scans I have had since are making me due april, my uteral measurements and blood results co-inside with these dates.

My worry is if I go overdue... How long wil I be overdue before baby comes. Cause the midwife told me that after 17 days the placenta stops feeding the baby, is I am now very worryed if I go overdue, will there be a chance that my baby could be at risk? I have to see the consultant monday so if I have too I may cry so he will sort something cause the worry of this is making me ill :( :(
im not sure hun, but could they do more scans to check the placenta is working? :think:

good news re the pre-eclampsia though! :hug: :cheer:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Glad its not pre-eclampsia. Hope your feeling better.....Dont know what to say about the dates except grrrrs at hospital :wall:

Glad its not pre-eclampsia :)
Hope they figure out your dates real soon its a big difference!
Good news there Vicky, I'm sure they will keep a close eye on you. x
great news about the pre eclampsia.

hope you get some help from consultant on monday
they will probably scan you regularly to keep an eye on the blood supply from the placenta.

there is a scan they do called a doppler scan i had it the week leading up to lukes birth, it measures the blood supply from the placenta to the baby, its very accurate and very reassuring, this is why i was booked in for a casaerean as it was discovered on this scan that the placenta was slowly giving up and the baby wasn't getting adequate nutrition.

try not to worry, we were told that the placenta was insufficent and that all the nutrients was going to the babies brain, we had visions of our baby being born with this massive head and tiny body, but he was perfect, its the bodies defence mechanism to make sure the right places get the right supply, you will have a close eye kept on you, as they are aware of it now. any worries at all and they will deliver you early if its deemed better for the baby.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i cant believe what that midwife said that is utter boll*cks the placenta doesnt stop feeding the baby after 17 days how does she explain women who carry babies to 44 45 weeks then? twit :wall: dont let it worry you glad your pre eclampsia test were ok. :D
So glad its not pre-e hun :hug: :hug: try and cry if u can if its a male doctor-they cant handle it LOL!!

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