Im his Mummy!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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I know this is a strange question, but do babies really know that we are their mums, well 'person who they have a special bond with'? Hope that makes sense. My LO is so relaxed and happy with everyone really. I feel we have a really good bond and im the one who calms him when hes upset and the person there for him 24/7 but will he know me apart from his Daddy or Grandma for example? Sorry I am just starting to do a few things and my mum will look after him or hubby takes him for a walk, but will he still know im his mum? Hope this makes sense?! Thanks xx
They recognise your voice and charley def knew me straight away. Everytime I spoke, he'd turn his head in my direction and now if I leave the room, his head follows me even when I'm quiet!
It's lush :D
I think they do know who there mum is Hun, as soon as Tegan hears my voice she stops crying! so i must mean something to her lol x
Aw thats sweet, I think im having a 'need to be needed' moment, sad I know! He does follow me with his eyes also and calms when I talk to him!
they must do as dolly my middle child cried at everybody from about 3 months she was such a good baby but not a people person at all never smiled at anybody just wanted me.
Herbie is really good at going to people I hope it continues
I think they do. Like Lanny my middle boy was really clingy with me. He'd be ok with other people if i wasn't there but as soon as he heard my voice he'd scream blue murder till i held him! Oh and you could forget anybody holding him when i was there lol
Yeah I think they do as if H is overtired or poorly he is a lot more settled with me or his daddy!like LM said he follows me even if I'm not talking to him!I felt a bit like this when he was about 3 weeks old but a few days later he was with oh's mum and was so upset and she gave him to me and he just stopped and fell asleep!when your lo does that you will never feel like that again hun!x
Thanks very much for understanding. He is just so good with everyone, which is great I know. But I am the one who calms him when he cries. x
The reason he is good with everyone else is he recognises your smell and voice he prob expects milk/food constant comfort when he is in your arms prob why he is always playing up. With everyone else he knows that's not mummy! So he Won't play the I want my milk now card :) so I wouldn't worry about it he def sounds like he knows who mummy is :) xxxx
Thanks Evie, he has just started properly looking for me when others are holding him and when he cries and I take him he does stop! I think I was just having a wobble haha xx
definately! even at 8 weeks if campbell is with someone else and hears me talking he will turn him head towards me. Sometimes he will even stop crying to find me xx

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