I'm having contractions....*update first post*


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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I am having contractions, they are bearable and Im doing ok so who knows if this is it or not :think:

Last few nights have been having pains and difficulty sleeping and baby has been feeling sooo low and heavy. Been having lots of clearout too, though no show yet or waters. I have been really emotional today too and tummy has been going hard quite a bit more than usual.

Just biding my time now and bouncing on my ball and trying not too think too far ahead/get excited :fib: :roll: :wink:

I didn't realise how difficult it would be to hang on every feeling and pain.

Ah well, i'm sure i'll still be here in the morning following a false alarm :lol:


Well I'm still here :roll:
My contractions have eased off and im just left feeling very achy and sore.
My lower back and bottom of my bump are still twinging with period type pains but the contractions I was having have stopped for the time being :wall:

Ahh well..... guess it could go on for days/weeks like this.... time will tell...
Hopefully its the start of something. :pray:

Good Luck :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:pray: :pray: :pray: hope it is it and everything goes quickly and smoothly!! :hug:
Dont pop before MM she will go spare :rotfl:

Good luk though and hope your labour goes well with out any problems :D
Me too :(

Had a full week of it, but have started to relax a little now and just let nature take its course :wall:

Try and take things easy and hopefully it won't be long now :hug: :hug: :hug:

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