I'd be really angry too. You must have both made the decision to TCC when you had the implant out, & with him changing his mind it's like an emotional roller coaster for you!
My hubby is 10years older than me, he's 38 but its not so much of an issue for blokes, but I can understand where you are coming from.
IF you both feel ready, does it matter if youre married or not (you could still get married?)?? I think you both need to have a proper chat. Hubby had said to me, if we keep trying to get everything perfect for before we have kids, we'll never have them (there is always something)! Un hes right, so now we're TCC & building an extension, & knocking half the rear of the house down with it! He says when
I get a BFP it will just focus the mind, & we'll get it done & I know he's right.
You really need to talk to each other to find out whats right for you, could there be anything else worrying him like money with the credit crunch & all these redundancies being threatened?? Just a thought..
Hope your ok, please let me know if you want to chat