I'm Getting Worried now!


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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Angel's had a bit of a cough for about 2 weeks now. The passed few days its got worse and worse. She seems to uses all her strength to cough. She struggles to breathe, and it makes her sick and scream. It's affecting her sleep and her eating. I took her to the doctors and she was pretty adamant she was perfectly fine. She said her chest sounds fine (to me it sounds awfully rattly) and coz she happened to be happy at the appointment then she was sure she is just perfectly fine.

Now i'm not one to question medical professionals but as the days pass she is getting worse. It's making her cry more, and she is coughing up more vomit/mucus. She really struggles to breathe through it and her eyes are red raw and sweat pouring off her as she does it! Cough syrup doesn't even touch it (although she happily takes it when i try! Lol)

The best the doctor said was coz she had a cold a month ago this is the after effects and it should pass in a couple of weeks! But she's never been like this before after a cold, and i didn't think it would be this long sticking around. But the cold was a month ago with a healthy appetite, this started 2 weeks ago and her appetite has gone completely in the passed 3 days!

I really want to help her. She seems so distressed, especially if it's in the middle of the night!
In my opinions mums know best when there is something wrong. Phone nhs 24/direct Lisa and see what they say - tell them you have been told she is ok but you are still not happy - she's really distressed and off her food.

Let us know how you get on :hug: :hug:

Kim x x x x
I would get a second opinion hun or phone NHS direct.
Poor Angel :hug: :hug: Hope she starts to feel better soon.
She's asleep now, but if she wakes coughing in any way i'll be on the phone! Even my OH thinks something is not right and he's usually the one saying i'm worrying too much!

I'm thinking a second opinion is best though.

I'm gonna save the number in my phone as i have a feeling i'll be calling NHS early hours!
Definately get a second opinion, when my little sis was 6 months old she had whooping cough which went undiagnosed and nearly ended tragically, luckily my Mum kept pestering and got a second opinion and spent the next 3 weeks in hospital with my sis who was fine in the end, but it was very scary at the time :(

Sorry I dont mean to scare you, but I really think you cant be too careful, you and your OH should follow your instincts, you know her best, hope Angel feels better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
How was she overnight and how is she today? Xxx
Only just saw this post this morning Lisa. How is Angel today? Did you end up ringing NHS. I think it's always best to get a second opinion. You are her mum and you know best :hug:
She seems to be improving a bit. She refused to go in her cot completely so we had a restless night with her sharing with us but her whole night was cough free. She's had a very tiny bit of breakfast this morning so i'm feeling better about it all.
But i will still take her back on monday.
lil miss has been really awful too... just like angel... really struggling at night. We got one of these kavol plug in things from the UK and that seems to help.. we have also propped her mattress up... but shes still cough cough cough... poor DH keeps asking if we should rush her to the hospital... but its just a cough... and atm it sounds rattly but its all in her throat/upper chest area. Problem is at night it just sits on her chest, and she can't get it up. Shes been really sicky too... :(

Hot baths (well as hot as poss) with a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil, smothering in vix, karvol thing on at night, cough linctus, and anti inflammatory every night atm... helps a bit... but she doesn't sleep well poor thing. I also do something called postral drainage on her... basically making her head lower than her bum on my lap and beating the cwap out of her back.. not hard obviously :lol: ... but it helps loosen up the mucus and she coughs loads afterwards, but is then better for a while.

I'm taking lil miss back to the doc on monday as its been 3 weeks now and shes worse not better.

If you are not happy Lisa take her back... trust your instincts.. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ella has had a cold now for about 3 weeks and a cough at night, although nowhere near as bad as Angel sounds. Trust your judgement and ask to see a different doctor, keep going back until you get somewhere.

Totally different but a couple of years ago I had a cough that lasted 6 months, I was going to the doctor every couple of weeks, and getting nowhere, in the end I changed surgeries and all of a sudden a different doctor said it may be asthma, try an inhaler and it was, I have been using inhalers ever since. So keep on and ask to see a different doctor everytime.

Also try all the things that Squig suggested!!
Sam is exactly the same as Angel :( he started like that last Wednesday and is still the same. Our doc said there was nothing to worry about but he isn't improving at all. Although he seems to sleep alright at night - in fact he is sleeping better than he does normally and has slept through most nights.

Hope you got on alright at the doctors :hug:

:hug: to Angel hope she is better soon.
I went back today and saw someone different. Apparently there is a virus going round and several babies have it (Not something we were told last week) He said antibiotics won't work and it could clear in days (which it hasn't) or a couple of weeks. She has been given and inhaler to try and calm the cough. She has refused any kind of solids and is barely sleeping.
:hug: :hug: u both must be soooo tired and fed up xxxxx

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