I'm finally in 1st tri!!!

I'll wait a few days then do a clear blue then, i did have a look at the digital ones last week and they were about £20!! lol...payday friday aswell so i'll be able to afford one then :rotfl: Thanks
Congratulations and welcome to the strange world of pregnancy :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
Thats great news Jenna. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Its a great feeling, isnt it. I only found out i was on saturday. I used a clearblue digital like Bexter as i needed to see the word pregnant to believe it.

Have a healthy 9 months and see you in 1st trimester hun x
:cheer: Congratulations, I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy :hug:
Little Miss Joslyn said:
I used a clearblue digital like Bexter as i needed to see the word pregnant to believe it.

I bet you had to keep looking at it though to check it was right lol
When I first found out I was pregnant I had to have the 2 tests next to me or in my bag for about 3 days so I could keep looking at them to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
Vickyleigh said:
Little Miss Joslyn said:
I used a clearblue digital like Bexter as i needed to see the word pregnant to believe it.
Yeah, i did and I was upset when after a day it disapeared but i suppose the urine dries up or something or its a phantom pregnancy! :rotfl: I dont think the digital tests results last that long, well I hope not anyway! :shock:

I bet you had to keep looking at it though to check it was right lol
When I first found out I was pregnant I had to have the 2 tests next to me or in my bag for about 3 days so I could keep looking at them to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
Little Miss Joslyn said:
Vickyleigh said:
[quote="Little Miss Joslyn":290pvhq3]I used a clearblue digital like Bexter as i needed to see the word pregnant to believe it.
Yeah, i did and I was upset when after a day it disapeared but i suppose the urine dries up or something or its a phantom pregnancy! :rotfl: I dont think the digital tests results last that long, well I hope not anyway! :shock:

Mine quickly disapeared as well and I know I'm definatly not having a phantom pregnancy :lol:
Must just be all them tests.
With the digital tests, the result disappears after 24 hours. But i took a pic on my phone so i could keep looking at it :)
Hmm..Slight bleeding today, what a nice anniversary suprise! :evil: :cry: It's not red though its brown.
congratulations! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
brown is usally old blood could b from implantation?
Hello Jenna

I'm so chuffed you've finally got your bfp (I know, I know I'm late with the congrats...but it's the thought that counts!). 8)

You probably don't remember but we were in ttc at the same time for a while. So glad you're pregnant, hope you feel well and that you really, really enjoy being preggers!

Peanut xxxx
:cheer: Yes Jenna Well done sweetheart, now all that TTC will seem like a life time ago, Really pleased to see you here.
Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
congratulations hun :D

im sure the brown blood is just implantation bleeding. if it gets worse though see a doc :)

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