I'm feeling really hormonal today


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I'm in such a foul mood today i'm even getting on my own nerves.
I woke up with really bad backache and feeling really sick.

The house was a tip this morning and OH just spent his time on the internet while I was trying to do washing, pots and clean the bathroom. He's now gone out (to get out of my way no doubt).

I feel really emotional about the fact that I want to get on with stuff in the house and I can't because I feel too crap. I'm really beginning to resent all the things I have to do.

Now I need to go out and get some shopping but I really can't be arsed.

I needed a whinge sorry

Aww hun I can completely sympathise :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think hubby is starting to dread coming in from work atm cos he is getting my mood full on :(
Hope you feel better soon.

Your allowed to be hormonal your pregnant :wink:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know what you mean, have a :hug: Can you order your shopping? I'm about to order mine for next week as it nearly killed me yesterday. I am very achy round my pelvis and having period type pains quite a bit. Not long now for us though eh? Time is creeping nearer!
My oh doesnt do a lot to help around the home. One day I wrote a long list of everything that needs to be done to maintain the house being clean which helped for about 2 days and then it went back to normal!! :rotfl: He doesnt mind doing hoovering though, so I latch on to that as something!!!
my OH cooks but that is IT

I get so sore sweeping the floor and he WONT hoover, the stairs are minging!

I know how you feel, nausea and a bad cold have stopped me getting on with things, I managed to do some cupboards yesterday and think I will be able to do some more now.

it isn't fun is it xx
God!! I know how you feel hun!

OH was decorating yesterday and I felt a bit bad that I wasn't helping, but it was high up, plus I was exhausted so I just sat watching TV and on PF!!! anyway...I went to see how it was going and he said...'I can't believe you haven't made me a drink...you would normally have offered about 1 hour ago!!!' Normally i wouldn't have been bothered and just said get lost...but this led into an hour of crying :cry: :cry: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I cry at anything at the moment....The other day he said a girl at work had just had her scan and I cried cos I wanted another scan!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: Wot a big baby!!!!!!
Emma58 said:
I feel really emotional about the fact that I want to get on with stuff in the house and I can't because I feel too crap. I'm really beginning to resent all the things I have to do.


First of all poor you :hug:

And secondly I am so glad to read this because it is EXACTLY how I feel. I do a little bit every day and it knackers me so much I have to lie down most of the afternoon, it sucks. Today I've been a little more constructive than usual (packed my hospital bag, or rather, got all the crap out all over the bed and it'll probably still be there at 11pm!), washed some ConiftCloves (er... Dh's name for Connie Clothes) and emptied the dishwasher. Might not sound like much but that's the most I've done in days and days.

Like you all I can see is a huge mountain of stuff that needs doing and every time I think about it I feel sick and upset. What can we do?

MY oh actually drew and wrote on my hospital bag check list

he put a :( and wrote his name next to it

and added to my list of things to be nice to him, smile more and be in nice moods

ahh bless him

marie x
debecca said:
Emma58 said:
I feel really emotional about the fact that I want to get on with stuff in the house and I can't because I feel too crap. I'm really beginning to resent all the things I have to do.


First of all poor you :hug:

And secondly I am so glad to read this because it is EXACTLY how I feel. I do a little bit every day and it knackers me so much I have to lie down most of the afternoon, it sucks. Today I've been a little more constructive than usual (packed my hospital bag, or rather, got all the crap out all over the bed and it'll probably still be there at 11pm!), washed some ConiftCloves (er... Dh's name for Connie Clothes) and emptied the dishwasher. Might not sound like much but that's the most I've done in days and days.

Like you all I can see is a huge mountain of stuff that needs doing and every time I think about it I feel sick and upset. What can we do?


I've just had to have a nap this afternoon just been to docs and she said my BP is on the low side again so maybe that isn't helping.
I'm fed up of feeling like a miserable sod :(

That's how I feel Debecca all I see is a mountain of stuff that needs to be done and no one else seems to notice it. It's not helping that we are decorating as well at the mo every other room gets mucked up because of it.
I'm sure you and I are having parallel pregnancies - I've just been to the doctor's and have low BP too :shock:
debecca said:
I'm sure you and I are having parallel pregnancies - I've just been to the doctor's and have low BP too :shock:

:hug: :hug:

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