I'm feeling a bit aprehensive


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Grrrr can't edit the title- I know it is spelt apprehensive!! :(

I know that it's not the end of the world if we don't conceive straight away, and to be honest, I'm not that bothered about getting pregnant straight away.

My problem is that I am nervous of being on such a schedule- however much DH and I love to :bd:, every 2 days is pretty hard going with such a busy life. We want to try like that for the first couple of months because if we give it our best go then months down the line we will have a good idea whether intervention is required. If we don't do it that often then perhaps we will just miss O day and then perhaps we won't have a good idea about whether we were just doing it at the wrong times or whether we need to see a doc.

I know this all sounds a bit much since it is our first month of trying but we are both in our 30s and this would be our first and so we don't know if we'll have problems due to our age or pre-existing issues.

Anyway, enough of that - I guess what I'm asking is have any of you conceived with just a couple of well timed :bd: or have most people done it every 2 days?
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Back in 2003 when i had my last miscarriage, my OH was working nightshift for 3 weeks without a night off, so we only managed to :bd: once in one of my cycle's and it got me pregnant. So you never know.

Im in my 30's and my OH is in his early 40's so dont know if this will be against us this time.
Dont over think it. You're piling pressure on and that's counter-productive. If you dont want to do it then dont. Have a night off. It's more important that it doesnt put a strain on your relationship. You can have a 'plan' to do it certain nights but if you really dont want to then dont sweat it. You only need one reasonably timed session to catch the egg! If you do it more then you're just increasing the odds in your favour. :)
Thanks- you're right of course. The whole thing is just v exciting and it's easy to put pressure on yourself isn't it?
Really easy. And so easy to lose sight of what matters. It's important to keep it fun, especially at this early stage. ;)

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