I'm back! I missed you all


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Hiya girls! A few of you may have noticed i was on here most days and then suddenly disapeared.

My sister (who is ten years older than me) just found out she has cancer and had to start immediate chemo. I had just been made redundant so I dropped everything and shot up there to take care of my niece and nephews (3 fantastic children). So have been there nearly 3 weeks helping out but am home again now.

Unfortunately I couldnt take hubby with me and ov whilst away so I know I'm not pg this month, but cancer puts everything into perspective doesnt it. I'm not pregnant but I'm not dying either, so having a month not trying is certainly not a big deal.

But now I'm back, I will certainly be climbing back on the saddle as it were and you should see lots more of me once again!!

Willma!! I cant believe it, and I missed it! Congratulations - I'm so thrilled for you both. Fx that all is going great for you. xxx
aw hun welcome back sorry about your sis, fingers crossed she will recover. It certainly does put things into prospective doesnt it. Hope you get your BFP very very soon.xxxx
Nice to meet you Clem :)

Sorry about your sister i hope she gets the all clear soon.

Best of luck for August!
welcome back hun, so sorry about your sister wishing that she gets better xxxxxx
Thanks girls and Hi Louise, looks like we will be getting to know each other well this month! :)
Hi Clem,

Welcome back, sorry to hear about your sister, I think what you did by going up there and helping out is amazing.

Looking forward to continuing our TTC together we have missed you x
Oh so sorry about your sis :(

What a great sister you are xx
Thanks amyjayne xx

Hi Vicky! Missed you all too. Looks like you and me will be testing again at the same time! Funny considerign our cycles are totally different lengths, but will be keeping my fingers crossed for you as I pee on my own stick on the 27th! lol

My dates are so out of whack at the moment I dont have a clue so ticker is probbaly very wrong... but AF finished last week so I guess 4 weeks from then..???... maybe not knowing could be a good thing!!!

Fingers crossed we beat June's BFP record and August will be our month x

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