Im back, but with high prolactin levels


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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Hiya! Long time no speak. Ive had a month off, just to try and stop thinking about all this trying to conceive stuff for a bit as ive been going crazy!

So to fill you in on whats been happening, here goes,,,

I had my bloods done on day 5 and 21, only turns out i wasnt on those cycle days as my body decided to have mid cycle bleeding, so now im actually on cycle day 84 now! normally my cycles are 37 days. Anyway my bloods came back, and, as expected, i dont ovulate, but also they told me my Prolactin levels are freakishly high for someone of 22, which is caused by either pregnancy, being on anti depressants, stress or PCOS. GREAT! So thats whats stopping me ovulating. So they're sending me for an ultra sound to see if i have pcos, which if i do is great as they can just give me clomid, if i dont its bad as they have to put me on some pills to bring down prolactin which will take six months before we can even start trying properly. Gutted isnt even the word, so absolute best case scenario, i have pcos :( :(

Does anyone else have any experience with high prolactin levels? Or know what i can do to try bring them down myself?

Thanks in advance for any advice. Now what has everyone else been up to?
Im sorry hun i have no advice but wanted to wish you luck for the future xxx
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hi toni!

i dont know too much about that but i do have PCOS although mine isn't too bad. just wanted to say that like you say, once you know you can start doing something about it. i reckon it probably is pcos, its soo common!! so many women go on to have healthy pregnancies and babys with pcos and im sure you will too. Also, you are only 22 - so young! you have so much time to get this sorted out, to find this out at 22 means you are well prepared for the future. i know it doesn't change anything but some women start ttc late and then find out which is much harder. hope it all works out for you. do you have your ultrasound booked? xxx
Awww thanks positivity, that makes me feel better, I know I'm only young, which I'm glad of. Hubby's 38 though, I know it doesn't matter so much for the mans age but he doesn't want to be a really old dad, and you know what it's like when you want something, you want it yesterday lol. But yes, it will be nice to have something properly diagnosed so I can do something about it, I'm just gonna try and enjoy my life for the time being and do things I won't be able to do when pregnant or a mum. Thank you very much for your reply, it's wierd that I hope it is PCOS lol
i know i felt weird when i was typing hoping it was PCOS too! but, like i said it is really common nowdays! i have it and i've been preggers before (i did m/c) but that could have been for any reason! what im saying is you are still in with a really good shot at conceiving xxx

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