I'm a big bag of wind and it hurts **UPDATE ON pg2**


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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It started Saturday evening. We had my Mum and her partner staying and just before DH and Mum's partner came back with a chinese takeaway I got cramps, dizzy and felt so so sick and felt I was having a huge hormone rush (had a bad headache too)!

I couldn't eat any of my chinese and just hoped that I didn't :puke:

On Sunday still felt sick and had tummy ache but managed a sunday roast. Then in the evening was watching TV and hiccupped and a load of :puke: came up and I had to rush to the bathroom and spit it out (sorry TMI) and decided to go to bed and bent over to get my bag and it happened again!

Today I still have cramps but it seems to be trapped wind. I keep wanting to burp. It is so painful! Like bad intigestion.

May be everything has shifted up again?????


:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh moofa it really sounds like your going through it!! :hug: :hug:

I've got really bad wind too but it hasn't effected me that way.... I have been getting really sharp pains in one spot just above my uterus and it feels like a bruise to touch and certain positions just make me hit the roof with the pain and others move it back to a dull ache... i can only assume its trapped wind (as i read thats were all my bits have been pushed upto... and because being pregnant has really upset my ibs) and i have terrible cramps, bad wind and diarrhea and i cannot venture far from a toilet because when it strikes it strikes fast!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: sorry if TMI!!

Oh its very glamorous being pregnant....... not!!

Hope you feel better soon Moofa!


Thanks. I just sat in a meeting thinking I really want to do a burp but thought best not too!

:hug: :hug:

I'm feeling the same too, it's at the worst when I'm lying in bed in the mornings- it ruins my weekend lie ins :evil:

Alex xxx
have you got some Gaviscon? You can get it FREE on prescription from your GP or midwife.

We live on it in 3rd Tri for this reason.

:hug: cos I know it's crap :hug:
ooo I think I have a bottle in the cupboard. I'll use that and then get a prescription from the midwife when I see her in 2 weeks. Thanks! :hug:
Also, Chinese is notoriously bad for bunging you up - I would avoid it if I were you!!! :hug:
Ok tried Gaviscon that worked for a while but just had really bad diarrhoea.

What's going on? :(
Just spoke to the Dr's surgery and they advise I come in tomorrow morning and get checked
Good luck Moofa!

I go through similar things and hate it. End up rocking back and forth (yes, like an asylum inmate) and rubbing my tummy. Feeling I need to fart, poo, burp or be sick (sorry if TMI)...and lots of reflux...I will keep an eye on this topic to see what your docs think are up. :hug:
fuffins1981 said:
Good luck Moofa!

I go through similar things and hate it. End up rocking back and forth (yes, like an asylum inmate) and rubbing my tummy. Feeling I need to fart, poo, burp or be sick (sorry if TMI)...and lots of reflux...I will keep an eye on this topic to see what your docs think are up. :hug:

Yeah thats exactly my symptoms i have backache but think that is cos of my funny tummy
Hope your doctors appointment goes well and that they can give you something :hug:
I hope you feel better soon Moofa :hug:

For anyone else who wanted advice on trapped wind; Deflatine is a lifesaver, and safe to use through pregnancy :)
Just sending some :hug: :hug: :hug: Moofa, wind is painful, I hope it clears up soon for you and the appointment went well :hug:

Back from the Docs it seems I may have food posioning! :shock:

The Dr has sent of a poo sample to check it isn't anything that may harm the baby, although she tested the heart beat and it was strong and fine.

If I have a bug that could affect the baby, how would LO be affected?


Hope you get better soon. I do not know how food poisoning can affect the baby. I hope there is little chance of any affect.

As i can't be of any help, will send :hug: :hug: :hug:
The baby should be absolutely fine.

I had food poisoning (gastroenteritis) really badly on holiday in Mauritius just after conceiving Connie, and then again from fried rice in a Chinese (which is one of the reasons I'm so anti-Chinese food during pregnancy on here!) at 16 weeks. The former lasted 15 days, the latter 2.

In both cases, the doctor said it was extremely unlikely that the baby would be affected as they take what they need from you regardless of how rough you are feeling. You must however get lots of rest and STAY HYDRATED (the most important thing!).

Hope you feel better soon Moofa :hug:
Thanks :hug: :hug:

The Dr told me to drink Lucozade and also sip water. I phoned up my boss and have decided to work from home typing up boring minutes rather then have it on my work sick record. She said that was fine but if I feel ill tomorrow to stay in bed and take it as sick and don't over do it today. Like I would do that! These minutes should take about an hour to type up, so why hsa it taken me 6 weeks :rotfl: :rotfl:

Hope LO is still holding in there Debecca only 2.5 days till I come over to the scarey zone!


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