

Active Member
Aug 29, 2007
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I've had a stinking chest infection for 2 and a half weeks now and it just doesnt seem to be going away :(
I went to the Dr's last week and she gave me some antibiotics to take but I'm nearly finished them and it's still no good!
I'm so tired cause I can't sleep at night AT ALL which means my OH isn't getting much sleep either cause he keeps getting up to look after me!
I keep coughing up all sorts of crap and being sick :puke:

Sorry, just needed a rant! Will this EVER go away!?!?!?! :cry:
Oh you poor thing, must be bad if the antib's aren't working.
Just wanted to say, hope you get better soon and :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug: Maybe go back to the doctor if you're still feeling bad once you've finished the antibiotics, you may need different one's.
There seems to be loads of people with chest infections at the moment
When I was pregnant with DS, I had bronchitis. I was the same as you, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, vomited and peed every time I coughed. Had to sleep siting up and was generally really ill. Eventually the doctor gave me antibiotics as it wasn't clearing on it's own. I also ended up on a nebuliser with saline to try and get my tubes open again. In the end they gave me salbutamol as the doctor said it was less harmful than the baby not getting enough oxygen.(salbutamol can cause contractions and I was only 22 weeks at the time)

Keep on at the doctor and I hope you're feeling better soon!.

timsmom said:
When I was pregnant with DS, I had bronchitis. I was the same as you, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, vomited and peed every time I coughed. Had to sleep siting up and was generally really ill. Eventually the doctor gave me antibiotics as it wasn't clearing on it's own. I also ended up on a nebuliser with saline to try and get my tubes open again. In the end they gave me salbutamol as the doctor said it was less harmful than the baby not getting enough oxygen.(salbutamol can cause contractions and I was only 22 weeks at the time)

Keep on at the doctor and I hope you're feeling better soon!.


This is exactly how I am just now...I figured the peeing bit was just down to being pregnant but maybe it's cause of the cough? I've been given anoxicillin I think but I'm a day away from finishing them and still nothing :(
I've been off work now for 2 and a half weeks but if it doesn't clear after the antibiotics then I'll have to go back to the Dr's!

Thanks for the kind words everyone :)
i keep getting chesty coughs when i wake up but the fade during the day is the begging of a chest infection?

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