ikea high chairs: is blames bigger than antilop


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2012
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We have an antilop high chair, several infact (at our house, inlaws and parents) I love it and have never considered anything else. Now that DS is 6 months we need to get another chair. I would just get another antilop but our two year old is just beggining to find it a little tight to get into. It will do for a while yet but I think we should consider a slightly larger chair. I know we could move her out of a highchair but I'd rather keep her in one for quite a while yet because it helps to maintain some sor of order at mealtimes with a toddler and baby.

I like the look of the blames ikea chair. My question is the blames and bigger than the antilop? Might it be better for a toddler?
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Could you use a small toddler chair as opposed to a high chair? So use a little chair and table?

I would just get a booster seat which straps onto your dining chairs - a 2 year old is on the verge of not needing a highchair so wouldn't be used for long if you got another one -plus they are portable so you can take them to parents and other houses with you :) so no need to buy several.
We have one from mothercare that our tall two year old can fit into comfortably still. I'm not sure what to do with him once our youngest needs a high chair. We only have the kitchen table which is one of those with stools that go underneath. I don't like the idea of him balancing on a stool! I think a little table and chairs is the way forward although it might be a bit tight in the kitchen!
I've decided I really do want to keep using a high chair with her for a while yet. Antilop chairs are dirt cheep so its not like i'd loose much by buying one but they are also one of the smallest chairs out there so something larger would likely last me a few extra months. She is happy enough sitting in a normal chair at the table to eat when we are at inlaws etc now but when I'm home alone trying to feed both of them 2 high chairs makes life so much easier. My parents are away at the moment so I am using the chair from their house and its working so much better than with just one chair. I know she will grow out of it sooner or later but I'm not in a hurry to change before I have to.

I like ikea high chairs so was hoping maybe one of their other models was slightly larger. I can get the inlaws to bring me one next time they visit but couldn't try it before like that. Locally I have only found those padded things with all the bells and whistles. They look like they'd fit a 4 year old but are horridly expensive and look even worse to clean.
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We have a bells and whistles high chair lol and I hate the dam thing. No matter how much I clean it is feel like it's still dirty so many creases ect. I'm going to ikea for one lol xxx
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