Ignorance really bugs me!!

I was queuing at Boots to pay for baby stuff - lo woke up and wanted feeding so wad getting progressively annoyed. I knew he would be screaming soon.
My friend was in front of me, she has a pram as well so i positioned my pram to make sure it was out of the way and people can get through but it was still clear i was in the queue holding goods for pay for.
This middle aged man comes and slots between us. I keep quiet and wait.
Of course when my friend finished paying, he went to the till. I said quite loudly - excuse me, i was in the queue. He looked very surprised but i just wasnt going to let him go first.
Normally staff at boots are good but that time she didnt pay attention i guess.
I HATE ppl jumping the queue

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when i was about 7 months pregnant - so deffo bumpy - i got on a bus and no arsehole stood up for me.......... i was raging and with my friend who turned around to everyone on the bus and very loudly said 'its disgusting none of you stood up for her'.....and i always used to have comments about my age and havin a baby... people would walk past and say stuff like 'kids haing kids' or 'shes a bit young isnt she' people need to butt out of other peoples lives and be riespectful..........

the other thing is: if im wakling through town and have the buggy and shopping bags and ill be walking towards someone then its always ME that ends up moving!

If i have the buggy then YOU move. if its the other way round i always move.....

Knopk - What a rude barsteward!!!! Glad u said something!! X

Squeakz! That is shocking! Glad your friend said something! It really winds me up how ignorant people are!
As for the age conments! It's disgusting! I had comments made at me too! I'm 23 FFS! Not a kid! Even if I was 16 it has feck all to do with anybody!! Rahhhh! X
Knopk - What a rude barsteward!!!! Glad u said something!! X

Squeakz! That is shocking! Glad your friend said something! It really winds me up how ignorant people are!
As for the age conments! It's disgusting! I had comments made at me too! I'm 23 FFS! Not a kid! Even if I was 16 it has feck all to do with anybody!! Rahhhh! X

I always do. I am a bit mouthy. And not British so not very polite at times :D

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I dont really care how old girls are when they have babies, it doesnt mean they are bad mothers.
Its when i see a mum giving her child chocolate milk in a bottle in order to go for a fag. Or a 14-15 y o with a huge bump walking around town smoking. It makes me sad and angry. Babies dont have a choice
Squeakz, ppl are very quick to judge others. I am nearly 28 but used to look young and would still get looks.

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I used to travel through southall everyday to get to work. Nik'll know what It's like on the busses there as your in Feltham aren't you? generally it's chaos, there are some major commuter routes and they pack out big time I saw women have near enough fist fights over buggy space. The bus drivers through there were shit as they'd let 3 buggies on a 2 buggy bus!

My Oh works in feltham We live in slough. But i know what your saying.I used to go up and see him. But now with the buggy I'm petrified of going or taking Leandro. That buggy incident sticks in my mind and I'm the type of person that would fold the buggy so Think I'm gonna Wait a while till I go on buses with Leandro. Even my Oh before was like you don't come to see me at work often is Now like don't bring him on a bus.

With me I'm the type pf person to put my elders before me. Even when I was pregnant and with my mum on the bus(She has bad arthritis so can't walk or stand for too long)
and we sat in the front I'd feel so bad If an old lady was on the bus and needed a seat. It never happened But i would have Got up because I felt I shouldn't be sat there xxx

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