iBootsale - warning!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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just a warning ladies.

you are NOT covered by paypal - paypal only covers you IF there is money still in sellers account - or if you buy something thru ebay (buyer protection policy)

Me and magic markers have learnt this the hard way ;)

ALSO, after several emails to iBootsale, i am still awaiting a contact phone number for the police to contact them on.

so yes.. JULES DAVIES ... if your reading this :wave: :wave: await a knock on ur door my dear.. i'll see you in court :wave: :wave:

Magic markers - pm me ur details please and a link to the pram you bought. just so i can show it the police and give thm your details too. BUT also you contact your lcal police. my local police were very interested and said it was fraud and they take it very seriosuly..

stupid JULES DAVIES.. ya picked the wrong one wtih me :evil: :evil: :evil:
Just wanted to say good luck with sorting it out.

I hate stuff like this :evil:
Moomum said:
Just wanted to say good luck with sorting it out.

I hate stuff like this :evil:

there was a link of pf to a *bargain* pram for sale on a website called ibootsale.

was covered by paypal (or so i thought)

thought might aswell...

bought the pram....

thought id look on ebay completed listings as it seemed SUCH a bargain... and viola.. she'd robbed the listing from ebay completed listings...

..contacted her to see if she had genuinely bought it and had just changed her mind ... and she said

no hun, absolutly nothing wrong with it apart from my partner constantly moaning that he doesnt like it. We came to an agreement and im having to stick with a new maclaren now as its more "manly" !!!

so thought.. yeah fair enough..

then i waited for ti to be delivered... and im still waiting ;)

contacted paypal who put it into dispute.. but as she had cleared and closed her account they said i had to wait till 3rd july for "refund" but due to her closing her account and clearing funds they cudnt retrieve the money from her account.

however they can still trace her from a= what ever she bought with the money b- the details she listed on ibootsale ;) c- the details she listed on paypal d- the IP address

so silly bint thinks she's won but she hasnt. when i get her details i'll take her to small claims court for me money.. and the police will take her to the "big claims" :lol: court for fraud..

silly woman eh ;)
OMG that's a nightmare. Did you fund the PayPal transaction from a credit card? If so could get your money back that way. Mind you, would be nice to make her go to court and have to pay you back as well as costs. Hope she gets her comeuppance from the police too.
Go Lozzi! I hate people like that, good for you for reporting the silly mare.

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