I wish I hadnt went to soft play


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Im just back. OMG Joe was a wee bugger. He hit, he bit other children, he bit me. And it was mega busy as there was a party. Ive never seen kids so inappropriately dressed for soft play, long fancy party dresses.

There wasnt a peep out of Jessica, she plays like a dream, makes friends and gets kids to play with her. The only time she needed attended to was when she fell. And while I was consoling her a man comes up to me and pointed at Joe and said is that your boy, well he is biting. Fair enough, but he was really rude, it wasnt as if I was reading a mag or on my phone when he did it. I did apologise but they blanked me. Jess was fine btw.

I couldnt take my eyes off him the whole time and was constantly having to give him time out for being naughty. If It hadnt been for Jess I would have left a lot earlier but its not fair that she should be punished for his bad behaviour.

IM hacked off now.
terrible twos??

Hayden is the same hun- he is constantly running off- screams at me and if i say come back he says
NOOO!!!! he has pushed another little boy over once aswell!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: no less stressful for you but at least you know he will grow out of the naughty phase-
hes just feeling out what he can get away with etc!! xx
I never had this problem with the first one. She wouldnt randomly hit.

James went through a phase of biting around age 2. Every day when I picked him up from nursery I'd have to sign the incident book cos he'd bit someone :oops: Then he out grew it and was being bitten himself everyday by some other kid. The nursery said it was very common and it was something most of the kids went through.

Im sure he'll outgrow it :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Paris hits out at soft play too, I think they get over stimualted and hyper - they all do it

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