I wish i had not tested.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2008
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I've done a test this morning.....BFN. I'm 9 dpo and think af is due 17th. I thought if i was pg it would show on a 10 test by now, now i'm just really dissappointed, is there still a chance?
dont be disappointed, I have had 3 BFNs, I dont understand all te dpppp thingys and numbers its foriegn to me (not much chance of ever getting mine then! LOL!)

but anyway maybe try again in a few days, after AF is due, it may just still be a bit to early

It could easily be too early. I had a PG test which said tested upto 5 days before AF is due, but when you read the details it said that something like 54% of PG women testing positive at 5 days before. Which is really low. Fingers crossed and try later.
It may be still to early to test, I got BFN 10dpo and only got my BFP 11dpo. Some people don't get theres till 14dpo or even later. Finger crossed for you hun x
Although some of use have had a bfp at that stage, I would say its quite rare and its probably far too early so there is def still a chance :hug:
don't give up yet, can you not wait til AF is due to test? then you may not have to be so disappointed :hug:
Id wait till the 17th then due the test then, your more likely to get a more accurate result then.

Resist the temptation lol!!!! :wall:
It is not over till the witch arrives like the others have said it may be just to early for it to show up. Good Luck :hug: :hug:
No news jaidy...i've resisted the temptation to test again. I think i might do an ebay cheapie in the morning though. I really don't think i'll get bfp this month though. the more i have thought about it, i don't think we'll have caught the eggie, only bd once the day i think i ov ( me and dh both work shifts so was only time we could fit it in!) so chances are very slim.
will keep you posted!
When are you due to test??
Its most likely too early to test hun :hug: Implantation can be anything from 7-10dpo so may not even be any hormones to test for yet :hug:

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