I want to go to the pub


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Tonight I want to get all dressed up and go to the pub and drink lots of beer and go dancing. Oh well Ill just cuddle up on the sofa and rub my bump instead for now
Its just not the same sitting there with j2o! :shakehead:
I've not missed it at all really...the one thing I have missed though is going out for meals and being a complete pig having 3 courses and eating whatever I wanted. oh god...what i wouldn't give for a cheeseboard with blue cheese on it and a pate starter!

I can only eat small amounts these days so it's pointless going out for a meal and the last meal I had out I was crippled with heartburn all night cos I had something that had a bit of spice in it! :roll:
i never used to drink a massive amount before getting preggers - now i'm just desperate to drink lots and behave like a loon for the night... :roll: i've just come home having left OH out with his work mates - i couldn't stop yawning and was getting bored of them all being drunk... i feel soooo old!!! :( :(
I miss having a vodka at the weekends, but defo dont miss the hangovers :talkhand:
you've only got 6 weeks hun then it will be more of a possibility, think of me whilst you're getting glammed up, sipping on something suitably alcoholic.....I still have 19 weeks yet :) Ive been buying pint pot sweets as they taste so boozy - YUM :rotfl:
Psssf... don't bother... :roll:

I went out last night and tbh I didn't enjoy it really.. everyone around me was drinking and well trying to have a conversation with someone two parts past the wind is like trying to re arrange the deck chairs on the titanic... :roll: and it was smoky and where I haven't been smoking for such a long time, I just came home stinking of smoke... and everyone seemed so young and well... I'd just had enough and came home early.. plus I was getting dirty looks because I ordered a NON alcoholic shandy... so I got a dirty look from the bar man... then even dirtier looks from other punters thinking I was boozing while pregnant :rotfl: can't win..

You don't realise how comfy your sofa and home is until you get this pregnant...

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i must admit there are days i really want to go to the pub. I dont mind the not drinking actually, i'm saving a fortune on taxis as well, but what i do get annoyed with is the not even being asked if i want to go... even OH has started doing it... he just assumes i wont go.

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