I want to change my doctor


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Every time I go she does something which makes me think shes not very good.

She commented on my strechmarks which is irrelevent and inapproptiate, she checked my temp (via my ear) and didnt change the hygenic cover before or after making me think it was used for somebody else, her locum doc didnt notice i was 34 months pregnant and when I told him he said what, you're 4 months pregnant? My belly was HUGE!!

today she printed off 2 prescriptions, signed both and then only gave me one!! WTF is she doing with the other? It had better not have my name on it!

Because its a one doctor practice i dont know if it has a praqctice manager.

Is it easy to change docs just because you want to?
Yes it's the easiest thing.
I went to a different Dr's and asked if I could register. They then ask for your files to be transferred from your old Drs and thats it! :D
They might ask for a booking appt just so they can meet you, but they won't ask why you wanted to move and you don't have to see the other one again.
Good Luck hun, I'd want to move from there too!
i changed doctors and i was really nervous but its nothing really. Just go to the doctors you want to sign up for and ask if you can join :)
They asked me why I wanted to change doctors so far through my pregnancy (34 weeks) and had I moved house, and I just said no I'm just not happy with the service at my current doctors and want to be in a bigger practice ready for when my little one is born.

In Tamworth Town, the doctors have to make a point of not stealing people from the other surgeries as there are loads of surgeries very close together. But they didn't argue with me, and most probably won't even ask. If I had said I didn't want to tell them why I wanted to leave, they probably wouldn't have pushed it.

You should be fine. Your doc's been really crappy to you, I think you're right to want to move.
We all have a right to change docs now a days, there's a big emphasis on patient choice. Go for it :)

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