I want this! :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I know it's ridiculously expensive, but I really, REALLY want this cot set! It's exactly my taste. I love the colours and I love images of leaves and birds and things.


How can I justify the expense? Is saying I am working full-time in agony from back problems at an uncomfortable desk in an office with no windows enough justification? :D :D :D
that is really gorgeous :D

the one i want is £65, i thought that was expensive :rotfl: if you can afford it, go for it hun, maybe you could look for a john lewis online discount code? :hug:
you have a few weeks left so maybe keep an eye out on ebay?

or you could just get it if you can afford it as your special purchase as a treat for working so hard and maybe save some money on other items?
I'm certainly not rich. I work hard as does my husband, but we are both students as well... Saying that, though, I have made a budget and if we manage to stick to it we will be saving a lot so maybe this or some other thing I fall in love with can be my special reward? It took me literally all day to do the budget. I used a spreadsheet with formulae and everything!
moss said:
I'm certainly not rich. I work hard as does my husband, but we are both students as well... Saying that, though, I have made a budget and if we manage to stick to it we will be saving a lot so maybe this or some other thing I fall in love with can be my special reward? It took me literally all day to do the budget. I used a spreadsheet with formulae and everything!

LOl i did this too, i just wanted a rough idea of how much kitting her out would cost and spent like a whole day doing it.

For me it's too much to pay for it, but if it's as your special treat then why not??

Mine was £40 AND on sale and even then i thought it was expensive!
Ha! :D I looked at the ones in Mothercare for around £50 and said to my husband "That's ridiculous! I hate Mothercare! Morons!" Or something like that... and now I want something that is twice the price! :p

The budget I made was for every expense (but I left room for fun stuff) for the next year! I included bills, groceries, rent, EVERYTHING as well as what we should be getting from student loans and pay, etc. The only thing I didn't count was child tax credit (?) because I plan to get that paid straight into a savings account so I can forget I even get it.
will baby be in a crib or moses basket at first?

if they are not going straight into a cot maybe you could wait and you may get money off people and family when baby is born that you could put towards it?
I say buy it if you love it, nothing else will compare. If you both work hard then you deserve to splash out as you'll def enjoy it. Bugger the budget! :D x
nikki1306 said:
Here is a code for £10 off a £75 spend at John Lewis hun but you need to use it by 30th June. Use this link,it's a gorgeous set by the way :D xx

Thanks! Even if I don't buy this there are a few things I want to get at John Lewis so I will definitely use the code!
It's lovely!! My husband wanted that exact same one, but I had to shut him down. We've splurged on too many other things though. I think you should think about it for awhile and if you still love it then go for it.

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