I wanna be a yummy mummy...


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Right girlies... decided today that I am going to give myself a complete new make over!! Probably sounds stupid... butI'm sick of being me just now... I am happy with my life, but sick of looking in the mirror and feeling sick and eeuughh at the reflexion.

I have started going to the gym again to loose all my 'flabby' bits and get fit again... started eating sensibly too.

Gonna get my hair done, change the colour but don't know what to yet!

Any tips on speeding up the weight lose?!?!

And what colour to change to... wanna go darker but not too dark. And get it cut, but again can't cut too much as I need it long for the weight to straighten it.
you go girl!!!! i wanna do this when ive recovered enough from having baby. i went to the gym a lot last summer and i kind of miss it. as for the speeding up weightloss i know slimming world believes a lot in 'speedfoods' which help boost it. i think its most raw friut and veg and also most fish. hope that helps and wishing you the best of luck :hug: :hug:
You could get high-lights or low-lights if you don't wanna change your hair colour completley :)
Aww thanks hun... I ahve been eating loads of fresh fish and salads... so thats a good start I suppose!! :cheer:

I have a few weddings in June and July so I am wanting to slim down a bit for them

Have just ordered this dress from Next for the first one

plus if I havent lost as much as I would like to by then... at least the stripes will be slimming :wink: :lol:

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