I thought i could relax now 2nd Tri LOL


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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I seem to be as stressed as anything for the last week, I cant relax at all

I really dont know why I am getting so annoyed with my girls but I just keep shouting at them today. I bought them a bottle of bubbles each, and all they have done is wind me up. They are 3 and 2 so youngest just spills it all over and eldest well she is just in general bugging me

I know thats horrible to say but she has become such hard work. She is very whingy and proper stubborn. It has got to the point today where all i am doing is biting at them.

cannot wait for work time at 2:30 just for a break from them.

Sorry to go on but i feel so down recently anyway. I dont feel pregnant, I look like i have eaten too many pies and hubby is as much use as a chocolate fire guard and my poor girls are getting the brunt of it all

Oh well lets just hope the more weeks i get the better. I would of thought it being my 3rd child i would know what to expect and how to relax :rotfl:
oh hun

iv found 2nd tri very hard as well, i think everyone does at some point

take a nice deep breath and treat yourself hun i think you need it have a hot bath and some choc if you fancy it.

hope your feeling ok hun :hug: :hug:
i no how your feelin, my 2 girls are doing nothing but annoying me, moaning, hitting each other! ino it sounds bad but i feel so low i just feel like letting them sleep at their dads tonight so i can have a break :(
x sophie x
Aww Sophie, I do sometimes wish i had that option. I felt a bit better once i came home from work. Still low but not as stressed with the girls.
I know the feeling will be back again tomorrow with them so i am honestly thinking of sending my youngest back to school.

Her school never closed for summer hols but as i pay for it i took her out for 3 weeks to spend the money on days out for them, So i have the chance to put her back in tomorrow :cheer:

It is hard thought isnt it as they are the closest ppl to you all day and they are the ones who just tick you off that just little bit so they do get it in the neck more than anyone else.
I really need to learn some patience with them :rotfl:
its more like wishful thinking than an option though, hes a waste of space lol
lucky you lol atleast you have the option 2 put her back in, ive got another 3 weeks left untill kiyanna goes back lol
i no yer, its terrible aint it lol i think its cause we spend soooo much time with them .. any offers for a babysitter? :rotfl:
x sophie x

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