I think my OH is getting into this now!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Hi all

My OH said to me last night "i think next month we'll try a bit harder" This is news to my ears as i have been trying not to make it such a big deal this ttc lark but also have been thinking we need to try a little harder,

a lot of other peoples OH on here seem to really get into the whole process knowing when you are ovulating etc and knowing when you are most fertile, where i've had to be careful what i say to my OH as i didn't want to completely turn him off the idea as i have waited quite a while for him to be ready to even ttc.

So next month going to Bd as much as possible at fertile times and non fertile times, i think this is the best bit of advice i have picked up and also have just ordered that taking charge of your fertility book.

Its time to stop thinking and start doing :clap:
Good luck babe!!

When we were TTC although my DH was ready he did not have the urgency and hormonal feelings about babies as I did. His attitude was, it will happen when it happens, which when you are TTC'ing is annoying and you feel like you are doing everything. The more time went on the more he pulled his finger out.

Strike while the iron is hot ;)
thanks for that reply, i agree we need to give them an injection of our hormones sometimes, its makes me melt when i my other half with other children, hes going to make such a good dad, i can't wait! :dance:
finally got me ticker sorted also about time!!
Yeah men are just lazy really, it's not their fault just women have more of an instinct and then when the baby arrives the men tend to come into their own and are more excited than ever.

Men tend to take the whole TTC thing personally if it does not happen quickly, they get paranoid and hide from things a bit.

Good luck girl :)
My BF is quite a sod at listening but he wants a child with me & he too will make a fantastic father & a lousy husband but you can’t have both :lol: I'm sort of kidding :lol:

I thought mentioning silly stuff like tests & ovulating would turn him funny but he's ok with it all, he said to me this morning he didn’t mind me using him for his sperm as he was using me for my eggs :doh: :lol:

When the time comes I'm going to make him read the book 'What to expect when your expecting' as it seems recommended from the girls in the off topic section. :D
i must admit he's made a few comments about me using him for his sperm, how do you reply to that!! I do love him!

He's keep saying he has to find his "mojo" next month, how do you think that makes me feel, am i not turning him on!! i think i made it all too obvious so far, its time to get that sparkle back, plus i have to make more of an effort in the mornings for the early morning rise TMI sorry!! :lol:
Oh I agree with him :lol: I tell him it's his body I’m after too as long as the lights are out :lol: Only joking - well I'm not I got a slap :lol:

I guess it depends on your OH if you feel it’s pushing him away rather than a little laugh then maybe best to stay low on conversation. If he didn’t want a baby with you then you wouldn’t be trying it’s just that some men are naff at dealing with emotions. I do think men have communication problems, if they didn’t they wouldn’t be a man right? . It will clicks when it’s 4am an you’re booting him out of bed to feed the bubba :angel:
:lol: :lol: :lol: @Wobbles!

I told my DF that i only wanted him for his sperm too :lol: :lol: he knew i was messing, and replied he only want me for the sex :lol: :lol: :lol:

I dont think he would have stayed with me for 5 years for sex :lol: :lol: :lol:

how funny!
My OH really does want a baby but like some of your men he doesnt get fully into the swing of the whole 'fertile' times etc!! He just goes with the flow and has the attitude 'it will happen when its meant to' which is so bloody frustrating for me lol, I want one now!!!! I dont like you talk too much about 'babymaking' when we are BD cos I think it spoils it as he tends to feel like a bit a machine I suppose, silly sod. I know he will be dead happy tho when it does happen and he will be the best daddy in the world :D

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