i think i think i think...


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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i think i felt baby moving for the first time last night

it wasnt flutters like everyone else has had...
i felt like a little pop inside, and then more towards my left side, i felt what felt like the baby turning round if you get what i mean??

it felt like some sort of twisting if that makes sense! but i reckon it was baby cos ive never felt anything like that before! and it kept doing it!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
most probably was kim.. ur at the right stage to feel movments..when u lay quietly u should feel it most of the time now unless he/she is asleep.. what u will notice now.. is that u will feel it when ur sitting quiet or trying to go to sleep.. charlottes hardest kicks were when i was trying to go to sleep.. they have a habit of kicking u in the bladder and making u almost wet the bed laster on :) funny but scary!
Yeah, I felt pops too.

Ah, you must be thrilled. It just keeps on getting better!
I think I might have felt a 'pop' this morning, or something that wasnt in my tummy!?!?! I was lying on my side on the couch and studying so I wasn't concentrating at all, and then thought dammit.. i've missed it.. was it? wasnt it?? Didn't happen again. :twisted:
Aw that's great!!!

Pregnopaws said:
I think I might have felt a 'pop' this morning, or something that wasnt in my tummy!?!?! I was lying on my side on the couch and studying so I wasn't concentrating at all, and then thought dammit.. i've missed it.. was it? wasnt it?? Didn't happen again. :twisted:

When I started to feel mine they happened like once a week or something, and ALWAYS during Eastenders!!!

So baby is obviously going to be awake during my soap time so I'm making the OH get me sky plus :lol:

I'm so sad :roll:
maybe the baby likes soaps and wants to listen in!! :D

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