I think i need to visit the docs


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
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As some of you lovely ladies will know i had a MC back in april well i have been having problems ever since. I bleed for 6 days after mc and hoped everything would get back to normal but it hasnt for the first 4 weeks i had spotting here and there then Af teased me Bleeding for a day stopping for 2 or 3 then starting again with lots of pain, this lasted for weeks. I finally got AF back properly last month the only problem is it was soooooooo heavy and lasted for over 2 weeks stopped for 3 days and have had it since. I wake up in the morning soaked in blood and clots even after waking up to change my pad and tampon through the night. The past 3 days the clots have got bigger and bigger and the ones i passed this morning were almost the size of my fist. I am worried there is something wrong with me now. I did go to see the doc about this before and he was less then helpful and really upset me which made me reluctant to go back again but im at the point now where i need to its really getting me down. sorry girlies i just needed a little moan. I feel better now xxx
Is there any chance anything was left behind after the MC,
I think you should go back to the doc's try a different doctor this time you need to know everything is ok for your own piece of mind xxxx
i had a d&c done hun. My body is having a tough time getting back to normal. Its just draing me at the mo i know it will sort its self I think im being a bit dramatic
Hey hun, you know we had our D&C's at the same time, i also had problems but the oppisite to you, no bleeding for 10 week, i went to my GP and a GYNE who refused to do anything for me and said it was stress related, i ended up going to a private Dr, who said i might have scarring from the D&C.

Anyway my point is dont let your GP fob you off. Maybe a hormone things? i had hormonal bloods drawn, which all came back fine, it might be a good idea to ask for this? or your body has just not reacted well, sounds like way to much blood, i would go see your GP hun and dont let them fob you off saying its normal after a D&C as thats their favorite line :(

Hope you are ok :hugs:
Thanks Nurse im going to go monday and try get it sorted. Its very frustrating when your fobbed off. Im going to try see a different doc this time xxx
Hey hun..

Demand to see another doctor and dont lease till they refer you to get some advice... it doesnt sound right to be honest, probably nothing major, maybe your hormones are majorly up the creek :(

Hope you get it sorted chick, keep us posted xxxx
Oh god hun I've only just seen this, please please go and get it looked at, I'm so worried for you xxx

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i think all short of hormonal problems can happen after a d &c. 30 days later and still dont have my period while i had 25 days cycles before.

so big clots dont sound normal to me. i would start with my doctor and an ultrasound. let us know how are you doing.
Ahh doesnt sound good at all hun, you must get it check3d it out. xxx
Hey chick, hope your ok. I agree they you should defo get yourself checked out and let us know how you get on xx
Thanks ladies im calling the docs in the morning to see when they can fit me in. bleeding has eased a bit today im hoping it will be gone soon fx
hope everything is ok and the doc sees you tomorrow
Tell them its an emergency and you need to be seen.
Good luck with the GP tomorrow hun. x

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