I suppose it could be any day now?!?!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All,

I was walking around today with this feeling of intense pressure 'down there'. Like if i open my legs too far i'll wee myself or my bum will fall out (sorry tmi :shock: )

Then i though well i am due 5 weeks on wednesday (13th June). But then they class you as term from 37 weeks. Which is two weeks wednesday.

But then as baby was measuring 37 weeks at my scan last wednesday they said by measurements i'd be due on the 1st on June.

So really 3 weeks before that is like friday.

So scarily i was thinking it wouldn't be totally unplausable for baby to be born now!


Does all that rubbish make sense, :rotfl:

lmarszall said:
Hi All,

I was walking around today with this feeling of intense pressure 'down there'. Like if i open my legs too far i'll wee myself or my bum will fall out (sorry tmi :shock: )

hun i feel the same and i'm getting really fed up with being pregnant... but still want to enjoy my last weeks...

all that rubbish did make sense and that scares me even more :? all of what you said up there it what i'm feeling... i swear i was bending down and i could feel pressure on my bum :oops: and i'm leaking like a tap :oops:

i was just talking to my auntie and she said to take it easy could it could be anytime now :shock: and with all the pain getting worse it could be ahhhhhhhhh

Its hard isn't it when you've come this far. I am so fed up of everything.

The pain, being uncomfy, buying clothes that fit only to wear them once and they not fit anymore!

I am fed up not being able to do stuff, like:
Tie my shoes
Eat my dinner on my lap
Roll over in bed
Get up from a chair without grunting
stand up without feeling like i'm gonna wee myself........ :rotfl:

The list is endless.

I have been leaking more too. Having to invest in pantyliners. Keep paniking and thinking i've had a show or something, lol!

Don't worry girl's you'll be fine i promiseXX :hug: :hug:
lmarszall said:

Its hard isn't it when you've come this far. I am so fed up of everything.

The pain, being uncomfy, buying clothes that fit only to wear them once and they not fit anymore!

I am fed up not being able to do stuff, like:
Tie my shoes
Eat my dinner on my lap
Roll over in bed
Get up from a chair without grunting
stand up without feeling like i'm gonna wee myself........ :rotfl:

The list is endless.

I have been leaking more too. Having to invest in pantyliners. Keep paniking and thinking i've had a show or something, lol!


oh my gosh hun SNAP we feel the exact same :shock: everything you just listed i get them too...

maybe we are about to pop soon :pray: that's really funny
today my bump has been sooooo sore and I dunno why???? think may have engaged as bump looks a bit lower as well and my maternity tops were hanging differant as well?.
My DH has kept on today about finishing packing my hosp bag(s) so got the steriliser out the box and will sterilise bottles tomorrow (have to take baby bottles to hosp with you even if gonna try breastfeeding)

I also feel like Neeko and am fed up not being able to wear anything on my feet except flip flops as my feet are so swollen. Oh well it'll all be worth it :D
lmarszall said:
Hi All,

I was walking around today with this feeling of intense pressure 'down there'. Like if i open my legs too far i'll wee myself or my bum will fall out (sorry tmi :shock: )

Then i though well i am due 5 weeks on wednesday (13th June). But then they class you as term from 37 weeks. Which is two weeks wednesday.

But then as baby was measuring 37 weeks at my scan last wednesday they said by measurements i'd be due on the 1st on June.

So really 3 weeks before that is like friday.

So scarily i was thinking it wouldn't be totally unplausable for baby to be born now!


Does all that rubbish make sense, :rotfl:


yep it could be any day now!!!! :dance:


it could be another 7 weeks! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Thank heavens for flip flops!

I'm glad this isn't a winter baby! I'd have to walk around in slippers, lol!

Sounds like yours has dropped too. When my mw measured me friday my bump actually measure 1-2cm smaller as it had dropped.

Do u really have to take bottles in even if you are planning to breastfeed. How annoying. I haven't packed any? They are still in the box. My hospital list didn't mention it so i didn't realise??

As for waiting 7 weeks, i think thats just as scary, But you have more tike to think about that one, lol!

yep i've dropped too... before i wasn't to sure but now i know i has.... i can just about see it :lol:

just one of many signs

How exciting could be any day or week for you . Take it easy hun :hug:

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