I really need some advice!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
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well here goes....

I'm new on here and I really some advice from you ladies that might be going through something silmilar.

My period is 13 days late now, I took a preg test last monday and last wednesday both neg! So waited until today and I took another test which again is neg!

I have been needing a wee more than normal and my boobs seem bigger but not sore. I feel like my hormones are a little 'loopy' at the moment.

Me and hubby did the business on the 7th july, I had very tiny spotting on 18th july (around the day AF was due). But thats been it! I dont have sore boobs like I do get just before I'm due and haven't yet.

I have had some discharge from about 19th to 22nd july which was clear/tiny bit white-ish and it was very stringy and sticky (sorry or tmi)lol

So I am very confussed at the moment.

My periods have been very regular for the last 5 or so months and now I'm really late!

Could I still be pregnant? Been trying for nearly 4yrs!

i would say go to the doc where they could give u a blood test, or at least check u out! best of luck babe :hug:
yeah thats what I'm thinking I just dont want to waste the doc's time. I might go on wed if AF still isn't here as hubbys off work.

It's my first month TTC so not really sure but I have heard some girls say that it can take a while, sometimes more than two weeks, before you get a BFP.

I was also reading somewhere the other day, that before the invention of HPTK that the doctors used to insist that you had missed at least two periods before they would see you for a test because sometime girls can just miss a period for no apparent reason.

If you really want to know hun then ring the docs for a blood test.

Hope it's a bfp for you :hug:
I just really feel like AF isn't coming.

I just keep feeling bloated on and off.... really dont know what to think anymore?
i have been looking at my dates and if I am pregnant I would only be approx 3 weeks so could it be to early for a bfp? :think:
hiya hunni

just like to say

im in exactly the same boat as u

the bloating, the spotting pink before Af was due

Im 11 days late

and all ive had is negs and one posotive after the allowed time on test

then bak 2 neg agen!

mi docs sending a urine sample off

so maybe u shud get urs 2do the same

let me kno wat happens


Hello all, :wave:

still no sign of AF today. Still bloated a little and had a little discharge again.

last night I was back and forth to the loo! Everytime I had a drink I needed a wee! for the last 2-3 days I have needed a wee alot more than normal.... :shock:

My boobs arent sore at all but do still seem a little bigger but dont feel firm at all. Not sure what thats all about!? :think:

Any thoughts ladies?

well i tested when my period was about 5 days late and it was positive straight awayso thats a bit strange wat tests u using xxx

so strange isn't it...I hope you get some answers soon, the girls have told me the weeing symptom is a good one as that is not one that can be mistaken for a tummy bug or flu.
hope you get bfp son

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