I only had my phone off for a minute!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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My OH thought I had gone into labour :rotfl:
I went out with my mum and had to switch my phone off for not even 10 minutes and my OH tried ringing me but it was off so he tried my mums mobile and she had left that at home so then he tried the house phone and when he got no answer he started to panic. When he finally got hold of me he sounded really worried and upset, he was convinced I had gone into labour and no one had told him :rotfl: :rotfl:
I shouldn't laugh because he was really worried but in future I am going to have to tell him my every move so he wont think the worse :shakehead:
Aw bless his wee cotton socks! :D

You meanie worrying him like that :rotfl:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
It must be a man thing because my Dad rang me last night (he is away working) and he sounded frantic asking me if I knew where my Mum was because he couldn't get hold of her on the mobile or the house phone and he was starting to worry but she was only upstairs in my brothers room fixing his tv ariel and couldn't hear the phone but he only tried each phone once :rotfl:
I took one of our cars to a garage yesterday and forgot to take my mobile with me. I was in garage for ages and was worried because I knew my husband would be trying to get hold of me and panicking because I wasnt answering phone. I eventually rushed home to put him out of his misery only to find he hadnt even tried to call once :roll:
I'm shocked that he thought I would do it without him! We had a long chat about this the other night because his paternity leave doesn't start until I go into labour so if he is at work when it happens and if he can't hear his phone then I have to ring his friends mobile who works with him and if he doesn't hear his phone either then I have to ring the place where he works. I'm suprised we haven't had a practice run to the hospital yet :roll:
That sounds a lot like my DH at the moment, I get at least half a dozen phone calls and texts through the day...I dare not go into a room without sticking the phone in my pocket just incase it rings again as I've no energy to run around the house trying to find one when it does!! :rotfl:

aww thats nice he worries though just imagine how he will be when you actually are in labour :)
I think he will be so excited when I go into labour he will go really clumsey and dozey :rotfl:

Nicola thats what I have to do! If I leave my phone in another room and he rings when I can't hear it then he will ring and ring and ring until I answer so now I put it in my pocket but if I haven't got any pockets then I put the phone in my bra. :rotfl:
Vickyleigh said:
but if I haven't got any pockets then I put the phone in my bra. :rotfl:

LMAO!! :rotfl: I have been 'guilty' of that a few times too!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It's just like another pocket in there, Bras do have some good uses apart from being boulder holders. :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: poor oh bless him :)

im not allowed out the house without someone being with me incase i go into labor lol my oh's mums strict orders :lol:

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